I wish them luck. I also hope that they will stand with all the others that MAGA Fascists are harming. We are either going to win together or our Constitutional democracy fails.
You do understand you can resist without cheering on the demise of peoples lives that had nothing to do with this. But clear the asshole part of your moniker it true to its name with you.
No you don't understand. People are going to lose EVERYTHING. Only a person with nothing lose themselves can be so casual about the harm being done to them. It is disgusting.
All these supposed hard working, successful businesses.
Always sticking their hand out for government money.
Corporate welfare slackers, every last one.
By the time trump is done the family farms will be owned by the oligarchs. They will then control the food chain. Scared yet? Hit the streets America. Take back your democracy.
What's the point? He can out-lawyer $$$ anyone or any thing. Yeah we're supposed to fight but we need some MAGAs on board. Maybe (ha!) Trump's broken promises will shake them up.
Doing what was right would have been much better, Dear government welfare-subsidized Farmers, but you knowingly crawled in bed with a rapist-liar instead.
The only thing they regret is the harm done to them by virtue of their own ignorance and racism. They will never regret or apologize for the destruction wrought upon this country and the lives of others. They have my sympathy. 🙃
Guess they somehow forgot how Trump always ignores contracts. For those who said Trump would run the US like his businesses, he is! Are you happy now! Note how he just loves firing people! We must win the 3 House seats to stop the madness!!!
Right? How many people has he stiffed despite supposedly having plenty of money he just blows off contractors left and right. Why would you if you have the money? Unless you’re actually a poor fuck relying on Putins paycheck.
It would be fascinating to know the picture they had of cutting government waste compared to the reality of cutting their family budgets and the cut-rate prices paid for their farms following bankruptcy.
I'd like to feel sorry for them, but majority of farmers voted for him. They loved his policies that they thought would only hurt minorities! We tried to warn them. 🤷♀️ #FAFO
They are no longer logical. They no longer see reason. Trump voters cannot see past their hatred and fear and seriously think he would never do anything to hurt them. Dumbass is far too kind a word for them. 💯
You are absolutely right! I was much to kind in calling them dumbasses! Sometimes I just feel like I use the phrase dumbass mother fucking assholes too much on here😉
😂😂I'm right there with you. Oh, I'm having such an urge to use those same words. Oh ok can't help myself DUMBASS MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLES. Wow I feel better now.
It’s nice isn’t it? at least for a brief moment🤭 oh who am I’m kidding I’ve scared the crap out of my cats and husband by just screaming it at random hourly😂🤣but it is nice for a smidge😉
The fucking prices were going up anyway, so the fucking little farmer bitch, is going to get what he fucking deserves. We told the fucking idiots what was going to happen. Now they can feel the fucking for real. At least Democrats have lubed to ease the pain when we're getting fucked.
Hey at the farmers need to donate to the poor wealthy.
We the working class have to donate every week.
The services are being shut down by an agent of Russia.
Yeah, Felon tRump, American Traitor, will do ANYTHING to debase and destroy EVERYTHING President Joe Biden did to try to help our farmers. How pathetic, petty and childish!
Forget grants. You might get a hat,if you ask and provide postage. Oh,but wait, the postal service is going away. Elmo might let you be a sharecropper on one of Donnie's freedom farms.
We’ve seen this night before. Why so many MAGATs DON’T take Cheeto seriously blows my mind! Hey farmers didn’t he say he was going to CRASH D ECONOMY??? Did y’all think that didn’t include YOU??!!?? #resist
The hat program would cost anyone losing a grant. Then the Bible would be hawked to then for additional cost by the orange asshole, but free shipping!!
J D is the owner or part owner of a company that BUYS FARMS and other properties that are up for sale because the OWNERS WENT BANKRUPT!
I told people at the USDA this would happen. Glad I don’t have to listen to conservationists fawn of fucking elon anymore. Most of the farmers I interacted with were unapologetic racists and lots of them game the system.
But I don't understand I thought farmers are Trump strong. Trump is a liar you say? Tell me more; cute... Is the sky blue or is it cloudy and white or grey? You are important and needed and must be encouraged to feed the nation. You were for contracts to afford to stay in business he ignored you?🌅🦁🗽
Too bad you woke up late to the party. Like you actually thought that 🤬🍊🤡💩🐷 cared? Hurts when the betrayal hits home, doesn't it. Now you know what the rest of us are feeling. We had four prior years of his hell, but you just ignored this and voted for him again. That's on you. All of it.
Trump acts, but doesn’t consider all possible outcomes -US Aid buys 500 Million TONS of food from farmers. Well, that food feed 100 million of the most vulnerable people globally. Now the program is cut- who will buy the food which these farmers already planted and assumed was sold?
Sadly, these are small organic farmers that received grants for the Rural Energy for America program to install solar panels.
Meanwhile everyday corporate farms are living off agricultural welfare.
Trump and Elmo are taking an axe to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, head start, and food stamps. When they kick out the people who feed us, don’t expect sympathy from me. I will, however, feel the impact of their ignorance, and that’s the real tragedy.
Hope they don’t get it. Hope they’re just as fucked as everyone else they were more than happy to fuck over. Everyone’s gonna eat shit for the next 4 years. Nobody gets a pass. Especially not the ones who voted for its. Fuck em for doing what they did. Fuck em for making us come along for the ride.
OMG! trump reneged on a promise to a group of morons who supported his BS? Add the farmers to the list... I think they'll go right under the steel industry
To be honest, they won't need grants to grow anything. Tariffs on gas and potash will drive up production costs and, coupled with reciprocal tariffs, reduce demand, and USAID will not buy any surplus produce. When you have a complex system with feedback loops, large changes can make for bad news.
But at least they got to "own the libs....". Now they need to see if they can continue to "own" their farms. Because the Trump regime is all about big corporations, big ag, and big wealth transference to the super-rich. FROM the rest of us. Good damn luck!
They need to stop crying and complaining about it. They wanted Trump. They need to own their mistake, take it to the streets, and make their fight publicly known. They need to change their wicked ways, organize their own protest and quit voting for Republicans.
Right? All this quiet backdrop 'i didn't vote for this' nonsense ain't gonna change their outcome. Yes you did. Be vocal about change if ya don't like it 😑
Might as well sue Fox news too for all their lies supporting a fascist regime. They paid (settlement) Dominion voting systems almost $1b dollars in damages for lying about voter fraud.
Where I come from, farmers are HUGE Trumpers! Trump / Vance signs along the fields. Trump flags hanging from their flag poles. Bitching about the government & how everyone but them gets help. They are soooo broke, while they sit on 120 acres of land worth over $10,000 an acre. No sympathy here.
“I just liked the racist things he said I didn’t think he’d take anything from white Americans!!” Stupid racist fucks he’s NEVER had anyone in mind but himself.
JD Vance owns an app called AcreTrader, allows wealthy investors, many are foreign, to purchase US farmland.
Felon47, JD Vance, and Elon Musk are deliberately trying to tank farmland economies across the country so JD
Vance and his billionaire tech buddies can swoop in and buy them up for pennies.
Know some MAGATs that benefited from almost ALL of Biden’s policies. They even bought a used car 4 one of their kids. They voted 4 Cheeto bc they wanted a “Christian” in d WH. Hey y’all you’ve got your Christian yet he doesn’t give a 💩 about YOU! Have y’all noticed yet?
Agree 100%! When u say u r “PRO LIFE” yet u FORCE a victim of r@pe 2 deliver a baby & don’t provide ANY assistance 2 that mom & d baby bc u don’t believe in “entitlements”. Forcing that child & her baby 2 live in poverty. You call yourself “pro-life”?!?! Pro-life my a$$!
Yes & MAGATs still stuck with him regardless. EVERYTHING that’s happening is spelled word by word in PROJECT 2025. Many MAGATs can’t even read or wright & don’t care 2 better themselves. So here we are. Now they complain! Well it’s 2 late now. We’re stuck with a useless POS & his moronic followers
I'm Australian - even from the other side of the world, the US at the moment is like watching a really horrible crash in slow motion 😕
Much of it beggars belief... let's hope some of the checks and balances in your systems can hold out for 4 yrs.🫰
Just a wickedly deceptive man..People better understand the tally is now $300,000,000, that we know is, from Elon Musk. Just so you know, Trump has been President for 61 days. That is roughly $4,918,000 per day. Who do you think Trump is listening too?
Trump paid Elon $52 billion we know of from grant funds.
Obligated US toward payments to Elon in the amount of $3 billion per year to Elon.
4 years US owes Elon $12 billion for him to fire veterans.
For whom Voted for orange turd.
Enjoy stench.
I don't feel sympathy for anyone who voted for the Orange Felon. They knew what he was. They wanted him to hurt other people. They were just in denial about what he thought about them. And what he'd do to them. Poor you.
Rural mid west America tends to be red. They voted for Trump because he was going to secure the border ( he hasn’t) lower inflation ( he hasn’t) reduce food prices ( he hasn’t) and stop the Ukrainian conflict ( he hasn’t)
Most independent farming folks are planning out and committing to that business plans via equipment contracts, loans, and extra staffing plans 18-24 months in advance.
Disrupting forces can cause irreparable harm to their businesses.
Sadly these farmers supported their own destruction by supporting a Communist Trump🇷🇺💩 Now Monsanto will own these broken farmers land for Pennie’s on the dollar. Good plan🤨
Just fuck the hell off! We told you this was going to happen and you thought it was better to vote for a racist, ignorant, unqualified felon and rapist grifter than an infinitely better-qualified woman!
I truly don't feel much sympathy for anyone that helped put us in our current situation! And never will! We warned them. We told them! We screamed at them!
They got caught up in the hoopla and hate, and now they are in the 'find out' stage of the psyop!
Oh Oh. That's not how it works small business owners. You live in a fascist oligarchy where small fish are meant to be eaten and EVERY piece of legislation favors those who paid Trump for that privilege. Every industry that can be extorted will succumb to the whims of oligarchs and Trump
The famous pic 'Migrant Mother', Florence Thompson, was taken a few hundred yds from my house.
My neighbor was born on this rd & knew her children. I don't know how she voted, if she ever got to vote, but I know how my friend did & why cz he told me: Republican for 50yrs cz the church said to...
& The Church fed them & helped the poor out before We had Social Security & other gov't programs that kept people alive.
When Obama was running for his 2d term my friend said "That boy is doing a good job despite his being... You know... he's a good one."
He voted for Obama. We need changed voters
I live in a farm community that is being overwhelmed by non farmers, protected farm land being culled for housing that farmworkers can't afford & knowing my neighbors who are farmers some of the nasty posts are Not going to change their minds & vote Blue or see reason to support liberal ideals
If you didn't vote for the dumb guy last election, then you have my sympathies and I am so sorry you are having to do this. If you did vote for him, say hello to Lady Karma. We tried to warn you.
Farmers voted for this pig Trump, let them eat their vote. Votes mean something, think before you vote. Why would you vote for a 34 count felon? Your parents raised you better than that I would think. When a farmer gets fat he votes in a Republican.
They voted for him the last two times even tho he screwed them royally his first term. They are ignorant as all get out. Fuck them! I just feel badly for all the fall out for other countries
Same worker: Joins protest outside Tesla factory
Musk: “Why is everyone so mean to me?”
Don't feel sorry for them.
We have work to do.
And btw 40% of farmers you are boo fucking hooing didn't vote for him.
How about YOU FO.
Farmers for trump need that pain.
Or maybe you don’t understand what it is going to take to remove this dictator?
A few exuberant rallies isn’t enough.
We need to see people burning their maga crap.
Do you understand that nothing will change until people in red districts/states compel their representatives to change?
Always sticking their hand out for government money.
Corporate welfare slackers, every last one.
#maga #farming #economics
We the working class have to donate every week.
The services are being shut down by an agent of Russia.
Farmers got a lying lout, thief, and windbag.
J D is the owner or part owner of a company that BUYS FARMS and other properties that are up for sale because the OWNERS WENT BANKRUPT!
Nobody VOTED for this!
So what are we going to do...
“We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
(peacefully and patriotically, of course!)
Is it close to "Shovels, Rakes & Pitchforks" time yet?
"I didn't vote for THIS!" they keep saying. Yes you did. Republicans told you EXACTLY what they had planned, even wrote a book about it. Project 2025.
This administration (actually it is a regime!) has illegally arrested, detained and/or deported so many people without due process, one of these cases will get through. Then they will deport ANYONE THEY WANT.
Hahahaha 😂 That just cracks me up.
Sadly, you can't fix stupid. 😞
#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
Meanwhile everyday corporate farms are living off agricultural welfare.
I do hope none of the small/organic farmers voted for the Orange Pustule.
#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
Felon47, JD Vance, and Elon Musk are deliberately trying to tank farmland economies across the country so JD
Vance and his billionaire tech buddies can swoop in and buy them up for pennies.
She a black woman
Will never be good enough for them
Much of it beggars belief... let's hope some of the checks and balances in your systems can hold out for 4 yrs.🫰
Hate Democrats.
There. Fixed it.
Obligated US toward payments to Elon in the amount of $3 billion per year to Elon.
4 years US owes Elon $12 billion for him to fire veterans.
For whom Voted for orange turd.
Enjoy stench.
Exactly the opposite and worse.
Disrupting forces can cause irreparable harm to their businesses.
They got caught up in the hoopla and hate, and now they are in the 'find out' stage of the psyop!
Thank you I needed the laugh.
My neighbor was born on this rd & knew her children. I don't know how she voted, if she ever got to vote, but I know how my friend did & why cz he told me: Republican for 50yrs cz the church said to...
When Obama was running for his 2d term my friend said "That boy is doing a good job despite his being... You know... he's a good one."
He voted for Obama. We need changed voters
Both trumpy and he rest of us told them what trumpy was going to do.