tRump is an usurper; the constitution does not apply to him. Therefore our military is oath bound to that constitution to round him and the rest of the treason criminals. They are foreign and domestic traitors and criminals, attacking the constitution and the American people!
You could also:
1. Cancel all the golfing parties.
2. Cancel flights to golfing parties.
3. Cancel secret service staff that's not really a secret for golfing parties.
4. Cancel the daily mega Macdonalds orders.
5. Cancel all the fake photography of Maga supporters.
We saved how much?
Well, the rest of the world has already stopped buying any of the American military shit, especially the F-35s that can be remotely turned off, so the US industrial military complex is dead.
Thankfully, tRump is tanking US foreign military sales worldwide. So many US Military contractors won't be around to soak up all that money.
Win Win, well not fit US national security but that's
#KrasnovAtWork 🤷🏻♂️
3/ "$14.5 billion at least," said former Health and Human Services IG Christi Grimm.
"In my almost nine years, we put out 2,500 reports," revealed Michael Missal, the former IG for the Department of Veterans Affairs. "10,000 recommendations on how the VA can improve."
If they reall were going after waste and fraud -they wouldn’t start the process by firing 18 Inspector Generals who were literally tasked with doing that job.
"Since I became the IG, $75 billion is what we saved the taxpayer," said former Department of Labor Inspector General Larry Turner./2
To all anti-Fascists, racism and blind hatred has always and will always be apart of the fabric in certain spheres, but corruption is what makes it dangerous. For all looking to Bernie for leadership please understand. He's not a threat to corruption. I am.
Yep, as they fire 25% of the federal workforce, they cut only 1% of the budget. Meanwhile, we do without critical services and safeguards a
hundreds of thousands of families lose their breadwinner.
2 trillion F35 that is constantly grounded due to catching on fire when they go up in the air. For another 2 trillion the makers said they could just turn them into zero armor tanks.
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap
If the equipment actually works that’s worth paying. Get to know someone in any branch and they will have a story about what isn’t working to help them do their job and or keep them safe. Lots of over priced duct tape used by dedicated sailors and soldiers. Then ask them how many uniforms they buy.
Absolutely 💯 percent. The defense contractors never complete anything on time, cost overages usually run at 200% or more. If they say 2 years it'll take 5. They sold a toilet seat to NASA for something 35k. Oh, you should bring forensic accountants when trying to find fraud, not kiddy hackers.
You are too smart for that trick tho.
1. Cancel all the golfing parties.
2. Cancel flights to golfing parties.
3. Cancel secret service staff that's not really a secret for golfing parties.
4. Cancel the daily mega Macdonalds orders.
5. Cancel all the fake photography of Maga supporters.
We saved how much?
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Win Win, well not fit US national security but that's
#KrasnovAtWork 🤷🏻♂️
"In my almost nine years, we put out 2,500 reports," revealed Michael Missal, the former IG for the Department of Veterans Affairs. "10,000 recommendations on how the VA can improve."
"Well over $10 billion," said former Defense Department IG Robert Storch. /3
"Since I became the IG, $75 billion is what we saved the taxpayer," said former Department of Labor Inspector General Larry Turner./2
hundreds of thousands of families lose their breadwinner.
my reposts has been “undone.”
Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.
gots a gut feeling!!!
Budget is mostly paid to others.
Not federal workers doing job.