Ruining the country is the plan. Tearing it all down. White Christian Nationalists waiting in the wings to save the day after its all ashes and despair.
Those people are lost forever. I wouldn't even waste my time considering what their opinions are because they don't even know - FOX & Joe Rogan etc. tell them what to think & they recite it verbatim yet unable to actually discuss the facts. Forget them, move on.
I think its time for a third party. How about the Compromise party? The we have a brain party? The We Think America IS great party? The Canadians Good Neighbor party? The I Used to be Proud We Could Help the World party?
During Covid, did anything change when they started seeing friends and family dying? If their children are affected, will they care? FAFO is the only way. They have to feel the repercussions of thinking it could never happen to them when hoping to see others be harmed. This will be a slow burn.
This is exactly right. Since they don’t give a shit about other people, they have to feel the consequences personally. It will be individual and family-specific vs. any sort of movement. And that’s only when they’ve exhausted any other possible scapegoat than their golden god.
Until they lose everything, not just what he promised to do for them.. I think some are to stupid they don't care..they'd still support him. Aim for the young to flip to blue
There is nothing he can do or say which will make many them change their minds.
Why? Because many are just as nasty POS as he is. They are racist. They are bigots they are predators. And the women they are subservient and believe they are closer to Jesus if they support him.
I don’t know if they have free will. It is a cult and they have been brainwashed. I think many fit your description, but many more don’t. They have been fed lies for so long. They don’t know what the truth looks like.
It may happen before this but I'm going to say when people in the government and the military don't get their paychecks because the government went bankrupt. It may happen soon too. People don't realize how unstable a fiat currency can be when someone totally incompetent starts wrecking everything.
The extreme will never learn the lesson. The less extreme or the ones who aren’t really paying attention, but who are just following the lead of those around them will probably figure it out when they start to lose their benefits and their lives start to suffer more than they already do.
That’s never going to happen and The Dem fantasy that a reckoning moment is coming is why we continue to lose. - They are not going to give it back! We have to take it!
Sadly, they have no empathy for others. So it will have to hurt them directly. Of course, we will be hurt just as much or more. Plenty of things can hurt, but I think Social Security will be the biggest.
The Trump loyalists are beyond reach. The only ones that are changing their minds are the ones being directly harmed by him and for most it will be too late
However, understanding authoritarian personality cults can be helpful in this. Dr Janja Lalich is an expert and she did a great presentation on the cult of Trumpism prior to the election
When their social security checks do not come and/or they get a bill for a doctors visit that Medicaid didn’t cover. They won’t wake up until it affects them directly. They don’t care about others being hurt.
Republicans need to stop bowing to him. Dems need to unify. keep protesting. How do you educate the uneducated and cult members? I guess the cult might figure it out in a few more months of high prices and loss of healthcare, Social Security.
At some point vulnerable Rep House members and Senators will realize that they are at risk in 2026. They can either cave and lose or stand up and maybe lose. Then we will see. My guess is that they will cave. For House seats gerrymandered map makes a primary worse than a general. Sadly.
Sadly, my answer is : When they can no longer make rent, buy groceries, feed their kids, buy medicines, take care of parents and their 401k s are used for toilet paper. This is one bandaid that has to be ripped off. The pain is fleeting but hard. Then they will start to look for an alternative.
When their sons and grandsons are drafted to fight along side Russian soldiers,and start dying at an alarming rate,in a war of aggression,on the wrong side of history.then,MAYBE,they will.
They won’t, to this day Hitler still has supporters, many of them are Trump loyalists.
I live in a very Trumpy red state, they are totally unreasonable, you can’t reason with the unreasonable. He can do no wrong, majority absolutely believe he is the second coming of Christ.
Working with the public. They enthusiastically enjoy that he is making people, especially liberals suffer. They want to see progressives wiped off the face of the earth. From what I hear directly out of their mouths, many are willing to kill. They are waiting for the go ahead from Trump.
Everyone should already realize this..see it’s not just Trump though..It’s virtually the entire Republican Party who currently have majorities in all 3 branches of gov’t (w/Supreme Court) When you have a major political party ceding their power to a depraved king wannabe who rules by pen..I dunno??
They are in a culture. They need professional rehabilitation to exit it. If they don't get that, they will watch him kill them, yet love him with their dying breath. That is what we are up against!
I don’t know, I was recently on a trip in the Midwest and there were so many farmers for trump signs. From what I observed the people were mostly excited about what was happening, they completely believe that he is getting rid of government waste. I don’t know how to combat this amount of delusion.
Why? Because many are just as nasty POS as he is. They are racist. They are bigots they are predators. And the women they are subservient and believe they are closer to Jesus if they support him.
The rest wil admit, but will still make excuses.
I live in a very Trumpy red state, they are totally unreasonable, you can’t reason with the unreasonable. He can do no wrong, majority absolutely believe he is the second coming of Christ.
“He should not have resisted” trope will come out at that point!
-Major economic collapse
-Armed conflict with Canada
-Mask and vaccine mandate