Weirdos, worried what might be happening behind their neighbors closed doors. Freaks, hoping to misdirect anyone who might catch them getting theirs. Criminals, happy to aid and abet. Zealots, unable to admit their own hypocrisy. Nary a noble soul among them.
But, if you just woke up and realize you've swallowed a turd, get angry about it and join the resistance! Fighting banc will get the taste out of your mouth faster than sitying there and feeling sad.
Nah. Try being so detached, you look at BOTH the current administration and the people protesting it, see the world's biggest bonfire, and your only thought is where you can find some bratwurst.
Keep thinking that you're fighting for something. In the end, it will all have to be rebuilt. Rebuilt according to whose vision? Us Americans are so stupid we replace one oppressor with another simply because we believe the other oppressor is less oppressive.
Narcissistic psychopaths and sociopaths stick together. That is one of the trumper's I formally knew. The others are woefully ignorant and choose to be under educated. I fume with hate toward them in my mind every time I attend a protest.
Or simply bc they can’t “imagine” voting for a DEM (or not voting at all) therefore they MUST choose the GQP choice & all that comes with this selection (come hell or high water).
Their choice will never be wrong to their puny-minded immoral evil ideals.
It boils down to permission structures. He gives people the permission structure to say the horrible thing on their mind, to do the horrible thing they might have resisted doing otherwise. That permission to give in to that behavior overrides a lot of logic and reasoning for a lot folks.
No they won't. If they didn't figure it out on his first term, they won't figure it out now. These people are hopeless. We have to accept that they are our enemies. Even if they are our family and "friends".
this time, his 'executive orders' are directly affecting them. the workers, farmers, medicare recipients etc etc.
they think he'll spare them, but he could care less.
Even then, they still wave their MAGA flags and wear their red hats. We have to start treating them the way they treat us. I don't care about "converting" them. They're hopeless anyway.
Trump/Putin and the republicans are now killing the USA, taking away everything a true civilized democracy have and wreaking your economy so there will be nothing left but a civil war and disrepair. This is where you are USA. And since you tariff-ed your allies there will be little help to get.
I have family that are diehard maga. They are cheering all the shit that is going on and the people being hurt by it. Needless to say, they aren’t the brightest bulbs in the tanning bed.
1. In the end when everything has to be rebuilt, whose vision will it be rebuilt under?
2. What will happen to all those who disagree with that vision and the new way of doing things?
3. Can we really agree on anything to begin with?
Their choice will never be wrong to their puny-minded immoral evil ideals.
All the many feathers of HATE.
they think he'll spare them, but he could care less.
So far there’s been no proof they have that ability.