Tragically, Garland allowed some of the same fascists, who share the radical rightwing rhetoric of Timothy McVeigh, to go unpunished? Justice is bought & now dead; fascism flourishes under the bribed spineless radical rightwing republikkkons?
The road to the collective HELL of the United States is paved with the good intentions of Merrick. Biden should have set a clock that if not met, Cheeto taken to a black site or GitMo. Cheeto still wanted by ICC and Tehran - either one which he could have been surrendered to!
He was playing by the old rules. I can’t tell you how much my MAGAT family members raged about the Bill Clinton meeting with the AG on the tarmac. Now… crickets.
The laptop was a Kremlin plant. Epstein Island was real. And, everybody in Washington dipped their wick - and, that is why 6 years later, we still think there will be justice for those monsters. There will not. They are in cahoots.
Doubt it. If Republicans knew or had any evidence at all from oppo research that bill or Hillary was involved in that kind of illegal scandal they would have used that info to take them out of politics long ago.
Republicans are also on the list- Mutually assured destruction. Clintons AND Trumps are on the list - that is why we'll never see the list. They will band together and kill us all, first.
Yeah he's not in the same league financially or mentally as the crazed billionaires- which is good, but it's a stretch to equate him to the greedy GOPhers who aim to enrich themselves and their companies at the expense of crippling "regular" Americans - the ones they've claimed THEY represent
Old style politics, consisted of disagreements. With negotiations and mutually agreed upon terms. With neither side always getting everything. That is no longer. They now exist just for the sole purpose of getting richer while breaking the rest of us. All the lies and deceit goes with it.
His biggest issue is that he is a liar, even where it doesn't matter. Second biggest is he has dementia. Third is he is extremely dishonest. He's old but never was good
Maybe they should make representatives running for office pass lie detectors and be analyzed by psychologists ,and pass, before they run!!! ( I know lie detector tests aren’t conclusive) but police use them!
I think Biden tried to reclaim integrity for the US after tr*mp 1.0, though I wish he'd just done it. When you look at the utter slop that the official white house puts out on social media now- there is no respect, no integrity. It's surely not "presidential" as we knew it. Disgraceful in every way.
What was Biden playing at? He had a list of pedophiles and wanted to be fair to them? This is why we’re in this situation. For being “fair” to evil people with Nazi signs tattooed on their bodies
Don't blame other people for trump's stupid actions. No one embraces pedophiles, this was/is a very populist lie by the trump clan. Republican or Democrat that is your choice, but not trump or musk. If you don't see what trump is after.... What a populist nonsense and lies.
THAT is feeling far more fair an assessment every moment that passes. But, fear not. There is a current in the air and a faint smell of singed fascist hair-plugs. We shall see.
I’m not sure I totally agree with that anymore. Playing fair might be politically viable up to a point, but he had 4 years to at least address the most egregious stuff.
Instead, “…crickets” became the most-used expression of voter frustration for at least the last half of Biden’s term.
On the other side of the ledger brought us out of Covid and the bbb plan ignited the economy. Massive legislative wins despite having the slimmest Manchin, err margin. I don’t know that I agree on Ukraine but def on Gaza. All that said, he should have left after one term on his own.
Indeed. Totally wrecked any advantage Kamala had. If the huge gamble with Kamala in such an important election in such a misogynistic, sexist, racist and fascistic leaning country is another discussion. However he sabotaged her good, almost like he wanted her to lose
Instead, “…crickets” became the most-used expression of voter frustration for at least the last half of Biden’s term.
Totally fumble Ukraine-Russia-EU, Gaza etc etc
Hamstrings prosecution of trump and his cronies. Doesn’t clean up the mess with executive orders to give Americans hopes again etc etc
USA is the biggest economy on earth. Having the softest post Covid touchdown is expected (as long republicans isn’t involved)
BBB was ofc a nail biter and heavily reduced law due to shitstain Manchin and Sinema, but is a great accomplishment indeed