Goosed by a Gopnik, a perennial if somewhat peritoneal favourite on RUTV, broadcast since the 70's when an American Princess on his first visit to Moscow was swept off the street to the offices of a dangerous but chillingly handsome secret services king pin Episode 2 season 1 "Ravish me Vladdy"
The Russian hoax? Seems like there’s no doubt now that there was collusion between Trumpkin’s campaign and Russia…”Russia, find the 30 thousand missing emails, you will be rewarded!” Of course there was nothing wrong with the meeting between his campaign and Russia operatives or use of burner phones
The Trump-Russia really came about not because of evidence, but because of Trump's inability to say anything bad about Putin. It looked like he had something to blackmail him with. And then the evidence started to pile up and pile up.
Back when I was a kid in the 80s I feared russia bombing us with nukes. Never considered they would beat us by our electorate being ignorant, decadent, apathetic and racist. Such is life.
Besides, "Trump loves strongmen", it feels like there has to be some other reasons as to why he wants to align with Putin. Is it really just that he likes him and thinks we are getting a "bad deal" supporting Ukraine?
Trump owes Putin for helping him win the election and staying out of prison. All roads lead to Putin. Bondi’s corrupt DOJ will hide this. Up to journalists to investigate.
What type of return on his investment do you think Putin is going to ask for? It won't stop at UN resolutions. Does he go for Trump repudiating NATO? Or does he test NATO to see if it's still up? Does he get end of sanctions?
From the very beginning we have known that Trump is Russian compromised. He is their useful idiot. Now there can be no question that is true. The question is who is really controlling this? Not Trump.
100,000% and it's so obvious. I actually thought Trump would turn on Putin since the kompromat is stale and likely ineffective with modern defenses like deepfakes.
Trump is distincly being pulled into Putin’s disinformation zone.
Although the explanation for this action-at-a-distance remains mysterious, we can mathematically verify the field effect.