I've been working on the new Rails Getting Started guide and it's now ready for review! 🎉
Could make that even harder to miss by saying that *before* the table.
"Rails codebases have a lot of folders in them, each with their own specific purpose. Don't worry, most of your work (including much of this guide) happens in the *app* folder, but let's take a quick look at the overall structure"
(This is exactly the kind of stuff I built it for, so it doesn't easily get lost in the noise of the typical "following" timeline )
Anything that's a call for comments on an open source project of note is something I want to capture, so you or anyone else is welcome to DM if I miss it.
High quality guides are huge part of what make me appreciate Rails. They're often good enough that you don't need to reference API docs much.
I notice that you're recommending Mise over RBENV..... (or other version manger). TBH I'd not heard of Mise until 10 minutes ago. Is this what all the cool young cats are using now? Should I - us all - be planning to move over to Mise?
One day we will get precompiled rubies and life will be way, way simpler.
Anyhow, I think recommending Mise over rbenv or RVM will be confusing to newcomers, especially as the Ruby Language site recommends rbenv or RVM or RubyInstaller for Windows.