[niche content alert]
how do cryptic crossword setters decide whether they need to put a ? in or not? like they just look at their clue like "yeah to be fair i am being a bit of a bollocks here"
in other news, im getting back into cryptic crosswords, turns out i dont know any words at all 🙃
how do cryptic crossword setters decide whether they need to put a ? in or not? like they just look at their clue like "yeah to be fair i am being a bit of a bollocks here"
in other news, im getting back into cryptic crosswords, turns out i dont know any words at all 🙃
Like Liari's Indy puzzle yesterday. 1d: Company overthrown by top US Army figure? (7)
Def is "Army figure", in a lateral way.
(QMs can also be used to indicate definition by example, which would otherwise need a "perhaps" or "for example")
- being cheeky or whimsical (often with a definition)
- definition by example - eg. ‘apple?’ = fruit
- &lit indication (which technically fits into the first category)
- surface reads as a question
Probably more I haven’t thought of!