These privately educated parents sent their 4 girls to state schools, and they thrived.
“let’s focus on making state schools so excellent that you’d have to be mad to want to shell out a small fortune for something less good.
“let’s focus on making state schools so excellent that you’d have to be mad to want to shell out a small fortune for something less good.
But read the article. Involved middle Class parents sending to Church schools and no doubt in good neighbourhoods with excellent schools.
Not an option for most parents.
But good state schools are correlated to local wealth and parental involvement - also correlated to disposable time and wealth.
For 2024-25, they received £4,834 per student per year.
How about capping private schools at that level?'d see state funding shoot up overnight!
We didn’t thrive.
We hated our schools.
We feared the bullying by fellow pupils of us and our teachers.
We had years of teachers’ strikes and years of underfunding and the humiliation of the teaching profession.
We hid our intelligence.
Silliness, my kid in the UK is going estate school although due to SEND we may be pushed by LA into a private one as needs not met, I hate this lack of choice.