Tbh GFCP Volume 2 > GFCP Volume 1. Yeah, sure, it focuses more on details and less on the actually substance of the book, but I like to think the details about Chauvins rise in Cesars Legion makes the build up to the final stand off between him and George more impactful
Damn Imma keep it real chief, you sound like a crackhead and I have no idea what you’re talking about. But I will say this, given that they already had him in the car I’m willing to bet that if he just let them close the door, none of that would have happened. Glad chauvin is in jail though
There may be hope that SCOTUS will put the brakes on him. The contempt on Barrett's face, and the disappointment in Kavanaugh's eyes (both Trump appointees) is palpable
MAGA threats are real, and some people are too afraid to do the right thing. This is the NAZI/Communist plan to induce fear in the populace to cancel freedom of speech and allow democracy to die in silence.
Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his MAGTARD idiots away from any negotiating !!...Biden ensured Ukraine had enough to finish Putin off once and for all...Ukraine holds all the cards and the EU will now help them across the finish line-KEEP HITTING PUTIN HARD !!😉👍
Blaming one party, or one anything is a fool’s errand. It’s taken decades to get here and the reasons are multifaceted and complex. I’m mad as hell but simplistic takes won’t help us move forward or avoid similar mistakes in the future.
People: Are you going to use the 14th amendment?
Dems: When they go low, we go high.
People: Are you going to make him do time?
Dems: When they go low, we go high.
People: At least ask for a recount?
Dems: When they go low, we go high.
People: 3rd impeachment?
Dems: When they go low, we go hide.
Oh God this is brutal to see and so true. I live in Minneapolis. I'm disgusted that Trump is even considering pardoning Chauvin. And the fact that he's doing the same to our country and the GOP is just going to let him do it makes me want to vomit. "If you're a star, they'll let you do it."
50 years,ago studying high school modern European history about the rise of hitler and wondering...but how was it possible hitler was supported so easily by his circle of deplorables ....and the answer is now evident in trumps rise .....fascism is a product of capitalism ....
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great. https://gofund.me/0af928df
association fallacy again, casual reminder that Ukrainians were genocided by the USSR because they were accused of being associated with nazis, leading to millions of people already in poverty not getting food, statists are the real problem, not the right
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Since most of the party responsible for our current decline is illiterate, pictures are easier for them to understand. Sadly they would see this as a victory because they can't quite get the taste of boot out of their mouth.
Objectively I know Mitch McConnell looks like a turtle but WOW!! He really do be looking like a freaking turtle😂😂 and not a big turtle either.He looks like one of those small painted turtles!! Crazy!!
But it is "GOOD CHRISTIAN" they call their evil by different terms. With Jesus in their heart, it is dignified. Like Playing the teacher's pet playground bully game {with the morbid teacher's authority} aka; NANA-NANA-BOO-BOO Christianity calls that shunning and dignified. Even when it is criminal.
I'm a former cop. Chauvinism did NOT follow procedures. Arresting someone is not like baking a cake. There is no instruction saying take a prisoner from the vehicle (while cuffed), put him on the ground and kneel on his neck. Just stop with the bullshit. He was tried. Evidence was examined.
Let's let Congress know we mean business and to get the ball rolling, talk about impeaching him or calling for an Amnesty Bill! Sign this impeachment petition and repost, please
“…Standing by to take your money and workplace tips about unpleasant DEI practices that are making you question your masculinity or size of your breasts, CALL NOW!!”
George Floyd died from Meth overdose (which isn't a crazy conspiracy but what the autopsy concluded) because his pregnant women stealing ass was too dumb to think that hiding all the drugs he was smuggling in his mouth (which can be seen in the video) wasn't a good plan, +segreation, KKK were dems
These people heard that Vlad the Impaler had a 0% crime rate and decided total hatred and suspensions of liberty are how you control crime. The irony is that Vlad the Impaler had a horrible crime problem. They also falsely believe the Turks turned around. The Turks won and had Vlad arrested.
And now the National Decertification Index (NDI)is deleted by Trump!!! The NDI listed over 30,000 officer decertifications, which means states have deemed them ineligible to serve as a police officer. These assholes make all police look bad!
Al Green was the only representative there who even did the bare minimum. if any of them truly represented the American people they would of killed Trump and Musk themselves first chance they got rather than just wearing pink and waving ping pong pattles.
Yeah, never forget Mitch got us into a lot of this mess, no matter how much he regrets the leopard eating his face now—and a lot of kids facing polio pretty soon.
A gentle reminder that POtuS is the 2nd R president to be suspected of, and investigated for conspiring with a foreign adversary, the dubious honor of being #1 was Reagan/Bush in the Iran Contra affair, that also had convictions, and cover up pardons...advised by Bill Barr
Was just talking about this yesterday. If there are 10 cops and only one of them is a bad police officer, if the other 9 do nothing about it, you have 10 bad cops.
Wouldn't that be nice?
I'd like to have my own pegasus and fly around on it.
Not gonna happen.
Americans are stupid af, and not at all organized. We can't organize one day of action, let alone any sort of sustained resistance.
Because we're stupid. We elected this piece of shit. Twice.
It's already started. A man is going to be executed like that on Friday in South Carolina.
It will probably traumatize the volunteer shooters but no one in SC seems to care, they just want trump style "entertainment".
Only you can galvanize republican voters, if you are courageous enough to do so. @cbsnews.com @abcnewsbot.bsky.social @nbcnews.com @miamiherald.com @houstonchronicle.com @washingtonpost.com @nytimes.com @chicagotribune.com
I'm from G@za and I lost my home and everything in the https://war.my father and brother were badly injured, and they need food and urgent medical care, I don't ask alot from you please I ask your humanity help me provide food and medicine to my family https://gofund.me/760a13f3
Message loud and clear! 📣
Oh but wait.
It's the basic obligation of compassionate individuals & legal repercussions may result.
#ComplicitDumbshits 🦶🔫
America has maybe four weeks left.
Ukraine is now the leader of the free.
They need nukes, so do all former allies of the USA.
Trump will take Americans to war this year. Every bad thing he says. He does. He is simple.
Dems: When they go low, we go high.
People: Are you going to make him do time?
Dems: When they go low, we go high.
People: At least ask for a recount?
Dems: When they go low, we go high.
People: 3rd impeachment?
Dems: When they go low, we go hide.
The orange man threw a tantrum about the tortoise man a few times.
All bad people.
They're not standing idly by. They're applauding.
but spot on.
Should make that a sticker.
Since most of the party responsible for our current decline is illiterate, pictures are easier for them to understand. Sadly they would see this as a victory because they can't quite get the taste of boot out of their mouth.
Never forget the enablers.
Always remember the cucks.
He was a pawn in a big gov game, and the fact powerful ppl passed off the death sentence to him is absolute bullshit.
Trust me, the vid is rough.
Resistance requires disruption to be effective. Anything else, especially at this point, is purely performative.
Trump is not one of them. He is probably the most UNSERIOUS politician ever and in so many ways!
I'd like to have my own pegasus and fly around on it.
Not gonna happen.
Americans are stupid af, and not at all organized. We can't organize one day of action, let alone any sort of sustained resistance.
Because we're stupid. We elected this piece of shit. Twice.
George is watching us
He surely knows why God is on vacation
Jesus is suntanning
So we are on our own
There is no God bless America for the moment and that gives Trumpett time to destroy America
Just hope Americans don’t rely only on God
you’re now a Warsaw Pact nation.
It will probably traumatize the volunteer shooters but no one in SC seems to care, they just want trump style "entertainment".
I'd be happy with chump never being allowed to speak in front of an audience again. Lots of images of him without his makeup too.
Musk and Vance should get a primitive goodbye. Gallows to thank the resistance? Hmm.
Never forget that FOTUS watched for OVER THREE HOURS, and DID NOTHING, as his goons assaulted America, Democracy, and tried to HANG MIKE PENCE!
Pink is best colour for bystanding.
Like using the word: Covfefe