We can only share 4 pics at a time on here so PLEASE, please, check our Instagram for a post about *probably* the weirdest thing we've found in our archives http://www.instagram.com/p/DGBXd8DOLp9/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzJiMzQ5ZWQ2Mw== Happy #Valentines!
I dislike click bait anyways, but I am here and not there for a reason.
Also : Thanks to the other commenters for the image and the very welcomed spoiler.
I suggest you look at the numerous alternatives to signposting people to Instagram
When you do eventual post your images here instead of at a bigoted, inaccessible service, don't forget to use alt text
And why do you think four pictures is not enough? Is the person running this account unable to post more than once, for some reason?