I asked my friends if I should try it and they said they didn’t think I’d like it so I asked why and they said “math” so I went back to playing infinity Nikki
It got me hooked. Great for passing time. I haven’t finished my first run yet. My game of chance sucks. I just want to finish one run and never play again. 🥲 but also unlocking all the decks. Haha!
I haven’t played it either, tbh I’ve heard people talk about it, but I don’t even know what it is lol, I know it’s some type of video game and that’s it
It really hits its stride after you've played for a little while. The genius design aspect - they've synchronized exactly when you have enough experience to really strategize mentally, you also start unlocking cards & tricks that open up whole new avenues and interactions. Gets pretty creative.
Pro tip: If you get it, and don't care about achievements and just want to play the game, you can just unlock everything from the start so you skip the grinding to unlock cards, jokers, etc.
Speaking of games we never gave a shot, I'm just not trying Slice & Dice and it's the most fun I've had in a mobile game in...maybe ever. It's on Steam, Android, iOS, Mac, and https://itch.io.
It's deceptively simple but hides a lot of depth behind unlockable things so you learn as you unlock them. Free demo on all platforms. Just try it, I promise it's so good.
No, you aren't. I just despise rougelikes as a gameplay experience, so when I hear "its a rougelike with poker rules," Im hit with the feeling of "or I could just play poker and actually enjoy myself"
I understand that's a minority opinion, but a slot machine only works if it triggers the dopamine
It may have been because I tried it when I had a horrible cold and couldn't concentrate on anything but I didn't think it was all that fun. I played for a couple of days and haven't opened it since.
numbers-go-brr game.
Don't get the point
I'm told it's good, but that contradicts my dislike of card games
Imagine kind of a Rogue-like in card game form, but it's also secretly crack.
If people enjoy it that's awesome though. 💪
I have no interest in playing either :^》
I once won $2,800 on a hand of poker.
I KNOW if I touch that game, I'll become addicted
it is perfect for plane trips
So, for the entirety of 2025, I've been trying to get the final 5 items I need to unlock that.
... I have not unlocked that.
I runner runnered a hearts royal, which at the time paid a Monte Carlo bonus of $2,600.
Plus $200 for having the high hand of the hour.
I definitely bought the whole casino drinks and for me, a Dyson vacuum.
I'm not even remotely interested in playing it.
Also, play Dicey Dungeons.
I'm scared.
this is what fun looks like and i'm not even ranking compared to the exponential mayhem i see on reddit
I understand that's a minority opinion, but a slot machine only works if it triggers the dopamine