Btw, the statute of limitations on #EspionageAct claims is 5 years.
Trump will be gone from office in 4 years.
Do the math.
Trump will be gone from office in 4 years.
Do the math.
Reposted from
Mark Zaid, Esq
This is the type of info used to regularly file #FOIA lawsuits over & would face cries from USG that it is classified!!!
Elon Musk, can you say #EspionageAct?
Elon Musk, can you say #EspionageAct?
The time to act is now.
I filed many complaints already , and contacted my co gress rep about it several times. You can do that too! Just feel free to contact me, I will help you.
Negating due process is against 5th and 14th, section 1.
Who's going to make him leave?
Hopefully rump will be gone B4 4 years!!!
& The Illegal Alien musk should be expelled from the USA, which he obviously hates! He shld never have been granted citizenship in the first place!
You really want to clean swamps & not βa-la-Trumpβ?
Toll all S/Lβs for all crimes from the time a candidate declares, until a year after they retire.
Who is going to stop him this time?
Cynical? Probably just hoping for his big mac heart attack before then.