there's a sad irony here: MAGA thinks they're owning the libs but it's Dems that have never turned from helping MAGA during natural disasters, pandemics and other life hardships
MAGA abt to experience what happens when governmental lifelines they voted to destroy are no longer around to help them.
Nah, that’s just the grift. This is and always has never about money and leverage. They want freedom to do whatever they want, and dirt to propel them far into the future.
How many libs do you know who are owned?
It is going to take a sizable political/economic earthquake to reset all those idiots who were mesmerized by this man
Question is did they own the libs, or are the libs owning them cause they are so intellectually challenged they haven't realised they cut their noses to spite their faces.
So worth it because of milk and eggs prices. Also because my whiteness is under threat. I can’t be complete scumbag and get away with it anymore. So not far.
They're nothing but...well, hit it, Cher!
"Grif-ters, Trumps and Thieves..."
MAGA abt to experience what happens when governmental lifelines they voted to destroy are no longer around to help them.
To focus on actions & solutions rather than simmering in anger & fear.
But, this enrages me.
Throwing away one's vote by sitting out or protest voting is handing power to despots.
Whatever the reason, I will never understand.
It is going to take a sizable political/economic earthquake to reset all those idiots who were mesmerized by this man
“Suck on that, LIBS!!!”