"None of the employees with security clearances for nuclear secrets were properly debriefed, the current DOE source said...
"Those employees could be targeted by foreign adversaries for nuclear espionage...
"They have lost their source of income..."
"Those employees could be targeted by foreign adversaries for nuclear espionage...
"They have lost their source of income..."
Musk is went to congress to tell them to pass his wrecking ball
Trump and party.
Trump can't remember what lies he's told, so he tells new ones. Elon stutters a hell of a lot more than Biden ever did and is fidgety constantly.
Uppers to get up with, downers to go to sleep🥴
What they're doing demonstrates galactic ignorance and a total disregard for the safety of our nation.
Hi Rachel, I love your show, and I think you would enjoy this video. It connects so many dots that I haven’t seen covered in various books on 47.
Pretty sure they signed papers before they started their “nuclear security clearance” needed jobs, and know to keep their mouths shut- omg, such stupid hyperbole believable by no one.
Plus, the current president/cabinet have "shared and/or are sharing" plenty of intel as of 'currently now'
Anyway, Devarjaye Daniel was there because.......
The Right to Try Act
Trump's Bill.
Nice mole, see you next Tuesday.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
2. Trump and Musk buy cheaper stocks.
3. Trump rescinds tariffs, reviving the stock market.
4. Trump and Musk sell more expensive stocks.
That is our new enemy....zombie cultists living within our nation, and inexplicably hired to govern.
We have to keep resisting voicing our discust...the push back does have impact.
They push us, WE PUSH BACK!
The tale is even darker than that(if you see my page).
But yeah. Pretty terrifying time to be alive.
Good Bless! 💗🙏🕊
Elon Muskow is pushing the propaganda button for Russia
Did Fake News DT really win? I think NOT. Here's our chance to prove it. https://youtu.be/yhz5kePQhEs?si=6nRxeCtkV9Elgb4r
It’s clear as day they cheated and are now covering their tracks by dismantling all accountability and staff
It’s disinformation aimed at dividing and distracting us from resisting Trump’s dismantling of our government.
It is statistically improbable that every blue county that voted Biden, flipped red for president ONLY while keeping the rest of the ballot blue and no red counties flipped blue.
You’ve either been misled or you’re a Russian.
If you’re misled, peace be with my friend.
If you’re Russian, пошли Вы!
Putin wears dresses.
You are part of the problem.
Tell them to call their representatives in Congress at (202) 224-3121 and fight the GOP cuts to healthcare for poor kids & vets.
Tell them to join the #TeslaTakedown
Let’s GO !
You might as well be MAGA with your hatred and contempt for edudated concerned professionals doing their part to warn Americans of the depth of this depravity and corruption.
If anyone with a doctoral degree in data analysis wants to jump in, it would help us learn how to combat trolls and disinformation.
This confirms that you’re trying to discourage election transparency.
What’s crazy about it, if you’re so convinced. Please go ahead. I’ve watched all the dry data powerpoints.
Which part of their boring data analysis is “crazy?”
These are data scientists with phds‘s laying it out. Put the pieces together & don’t shit on people fighting the dismantling of our democracy.
If you’re misled, peace be with my friend.
If you’re Russian, пошли Вы!
Putin wears dresses.
Hmm, people with doctoral degrees who fight for election transparency and can demonstrate statistical improbability are spreading “disinformation.”
Go fuck a couch.
Why else would they completely decimate our government? Why did Trump try to blackmail Kemp for votes when he lost in 2020.
There is a clear history of effort to manipulate our elections.
They are ruthless.
We have to be more confident in our fight. We have the truth on our side.
It’s all so blatant.
Many are people you definitely want to keep gruntled.
Not anymore, now they have a "mandate".
The entire GOP is complicit in this overthrow of our democracy. So are the S.C. Justices.
"Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you!"
But please take care to not pre-criminalise those former employees, though.
He will not stop halfway.
It's only people who aren't interested in aligning with Russia who are worried.