Trump cuts aid for elderly people and families who use food banks in Michigan
"The USDA has confirmed to the council that... purchases made after Jan. 19 are not currently eligible for reimbursement and it's unclear when or if they will be..."
"The USDA has confirmed to the council that... purchases made after Jan. 19 are not currently eligible for reimbursement and it's unclear when or if they will be..."
If you want to be upset, go yell at the ones doing the harm. The sooner a lesson is taught, the sooner they learn. The sooner
There are many of us here fighting, and we will keep doing so.
When a majority votes they paint themselves. If you don't like something take it up with the ones holding the paintbrush.
I pay taxes, I vote, to take care of those who need it.
Sometimes cruelty is necessary for greater kindness. I know it's hard to believe. But any surgeon will understand what I am saying here. Sometimes stuff will hurt. You do the work cause more damage to fix greater damage.
Ultimately, it is not us against other voters. It is all of us fighting billionaires. Yes, some people will not realize this until it hits them personally. And some will..
Furthermore, all of this conversation is based on the assumption that the election results were untampered with. I remain skeptical.
Peace to you.
(If it does?)
You know who does? Every Republican in Congress has a say. One vote in the House is all it would take to join with the Democrats to impeach Trump. 8 votes in the Senate to convict.
That is where the solution is.
It may be difficult for Republicans, but that is based on their lack of patriotism and hatred of freedom.
This is ALL on them.
They are all either MAGAts or former Republicans.
13 GOP Senators would need switch
Ok, now that I got that off my chest, Trumpkin says he wants to stop the deaths and bring peace but pauses defensive weapons which would protect the hospitals, schools and civilian…it doesn’t add up!
And not just kill us, but that we die a miserable death, filled w/lots of pain & suffering, for lots of us !
Rachel: We continue to appreciate the humane and respectful way you treat every guest. ⚡️
Everyone needs to organize at home, neighborhood & community levels.
This regime is operating as a fascist dictatorship cosplaying constitutionality.
America is now ruled by a madman and nobody has the guts to stop him
Republicans want to cause suffering, this is their demented strategy.
China, Russia and Isreal will divide the carcass.
Some of the food stuffs at our local "help center" are not fit for man nor beast.
Strawberry Statement (1970) Clip
Loosely based on the book with the same title about events in the University of Columbia in 1969.
The Strawberry Statement
(Give Peace a Chance Scene)
I often imagine myself in their shoes & feel helpless 😞
We who VOTE hopefully vote for the BETTERMENT of mankind ..
VOTE for those that ARE Christ like .. we need DIVINE INTERVENTION
DEAR GOD, HELP US ALL 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Sickening. And it needs to stop, and we need to stop them.
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
If you want to understand, you need to take the time to watch it.
He seems willing to condemn American seniors , to the same fate, as those who relied on USAID.
That if Independent & Republican Voters showed up to townhalls angry, they would be labeled as “George Soros”. So they should just stay home and shut their mouths.
freedom is slavery
war is peace
ignorance is strength
In some cases, it was probably their own self-delusional "I am not a bigot" rationalization.
Don't victim-blame them when they come to their senses. We are going to need their help to get our country back.
They have to be shown WHY they were victims and WHO their real friends are. They have to be woken up to the fact that right wing media is military grade propaganda.
ANYONE still speaking to those demons are traitors too
** WHO ** will write the Platform principles that ALL PEOPLE want ??? Truth or lies? Justice or corruption? Compassion or hate? lOVE OR EGO? **PROJECT 2026**
"Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul" ~ Bob Dylan
Maybe if we tell him he will realize what he’s doing is wrong
Were there a grand strategy coalescing all his mandates, it would be to tremendously enhance his personal wealth and via symbiosis, the others at the top by moving the money ‘upward’.
…If there were, lol.
Lots of red hats would praise their criminal orange Dear Leader as I helped put food in their trunk before and after he won.
They can ask Trump to volunteer now, because I will not.
The US no longer has any international credibility.
They were once worthy of being an ally but now longer.
I have been making an effort to donate more regularly my local food bank.
This is beyond meanness. This is mental health issue. These ppl should be as far away from power as possible
Don't tell us - tell the do nothing Democratic leadership that are hiding out. Bernie is doing more than the whole of the elected Democrats at this point.
You are preaching to the choir, start preaching to do nothing Dems at the top of leadership-doing nothing.
Bernie Sanders knows.