"Mr. Kennedy’s focus on unverified treatments has frustrated some doctors in Gaines County, who have been trying to explain to patients that there is no antiviral for measles and that they have little control over which patients suffer serious symptoms..."
Measles can cause blindness, deafness and compromised immunity
When will anyone in that administration start realising orfinary people's lives matter. So so tired of this
What a lot of self inflicted bullshit.
that's what tramp likes, like he killed so many during Covid.
In a sane society these bastards would be put behind bars
to protect the innocent.
I’ve got a 10 month old. Told her dr we have a wedding in Texas so they’d give her a measles shot early. This guy is so incredibly dangerous it makes me rage
He should’ve listened to those second thoughts^ like the previous articles. Should’ve said no… Now we’re here…
Does anyone know if he’s vaccinated?
Measles, caught by breathing in infected droplets, spreads through your body, causing widespread inflammation and weakening your defenses, but the vaccine teaches your body to fight the virus, stopping it from spreading and preventing serious illness.
mRNA COVID vaccines teach your body to fight the virus by showing it a piece of the deactivated virus, preparing your immune system deal with future infection.
I am speechless.
This person. (RFKJR) needs to be arrested for giving medical advice without a license
Roadkill Robert claims that measles infection prevents cancer.
There is not the most minuscule bit of evidence that this is true.
That's far more plausible than preventing cancer.
But there's no strong evidence for that either.
Bobby will use that.
No gowning, no mask.
From watching him for many years, I don't expect empathy.
I don't think a psychopath is capable of deep care.
The "I Got Mine" club
Also, the "I want it all" club.
So glad you've survived both.
Hold him accountable for his decision & also tell him to vote “NO” on Weldon for CDC Dir & “NO” on Battachyra for NIH Dir (both are anti-vax).
Oh wait… He probably had the measles vaccination. 🤔
Mumbles under breath Grrrmph... Mmph mmph... Trails off into a jumbled mess of sounds... Blargle wargle Mmmph, flibberdigibbet... Grumbles, growls, and mutters a string of unintelligible words
The word "theory" has a scientific meaning.
You can use "Hypothesis" if you're feeling generous.
How many kids did you kill today?