a... private home?

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hmmm .. that means they are using GPS from Apple. Surprised the didn't find something in the middle of the GULF OF MEXICO.
It’s almost like they couldn’t care less what happens to people.
Exactly, where has she been working all these years? Before covid most people were not working remotely.
Did it used to be a CIA safehouse?
Incompetence on an unimaginable scale. On a day ending in y. I'm shocked there is gambling in Casablanca. Shocked.
Put this personal story in Trump's State of the Union. The year of irony continues...
How awful and cruel….shes just a baby!
Attempted murder
Cruelty is the point 🤬😢🙄
So efficient 🙄
The level of lunacy is mind boggling.
More chaos at the expense of government workers.
The incompetence is only matched by the stupidity.
So much incompetence by the Musk gang.
Are they greasing the skids for these landlords?
Ahhh...more efficiency out of the Office of Efficiency. They're knocking it out of the park! Keep trying boys
Rachel you can’t leave in 50 days. Please and thank you.
As long as they aren’t working from THEIR OWN home, amiright???
That's DOGE efficiently for you!
They're so utterly incompetent, her best bet is just to say "yes sure I'll move to the office" and just carry on WFH. It's unlikely they'll ever know where she is tbh
Incompetent enough to get this far? Problem is using venture capitalist profiteering methods on a system whose #1 goal is service, not profit. We need millions more to speak up, stand up & protest insanity b4 totally broken. Phillipines & Ukraine did just that, broke free, we don't need dictators
Back in the day, when we received ridiculous “orders” from ridiculous political appointees, we’d just nod, say “sure, fine,” and…
Time honoured tradition lol
"Private industry is more efficient."
-All grown up businessy manly men.

Anyone falling for that line has never called customer service or human resources, never worked for a nonprofit, never volunteered, never been on the losing end of a COI.
PLEASE follow the rabbit hole...who owns the residence?
Only the best...
Waste, Fraud and Abuse in action
"Mommy, who's that sleeping on the couch".
Bernie would have won
The battle for democracy won’t be won in press conferences—it will be won in streets, in libraries, in schools, in voting booths. Because history teaches us that when democracy is in danger, it isn’t rescued by those in power. It is clawed back by those who refuse to surrender to the twilight.
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Elon renting his ketamine home to the government now? ☠️
wtf. Stupid time
Why continued posting of WaPo articles? Hard to take you serious when you do
Is this stupidity in plain view. Are is this Ocean 11.
In the typical manner of Communist dictatorships.

Just in case you ask yourself how someone can have such mad and inhuman ideas. And who the ones under Russian influence are.
When will people realize that this destruction of the federal workforce is going to tank the economy?

And that damage will take YEARS to fix.

Meanwhile, other countries, enemy and friends (if any are left) will take advantage of the chaos.
Somehow, I can't help but feel this destruction should be seen as treasonous behavior and responded to accordingly.
It is absolute treason, and it's taking too long for it to be called that. The same mistake is being made about Trump. HE IS A RUSSIAN ASSET. Call it what it is.
It will take decades to fix the damage done to the Federal Government’s ability to recruit. Job stability and doing good for Americans is what the federal workforce has chosen over making more money.
Probably an FBI safehouse now listed publicly or Trump's Loveshack.

Could the provision in the current spending bill ceding Congress' power to end a declared emergency by Trump in order to allow him to impose tariffs also be used to allow Trump to declare an emergency that he would then use to declare Martial Law?
Maybe firing the IG's wasn't such a great idea.
At least 80% of the Musk administration will be at the location for alcohol abuse and debt issues.
All options are probably owned by Musk or Trump.
Musk AI at work
Possibly a half-way home owned by an agency.
Air B&B ?
Gee, that doesn't sound efficient to me.
Please, I need to know more. Sounding more and more like a cult.
No on cloture

Schumer is wrong.

Please discuss tonight
More fraud and pretense. The beat goes on.
Oh for the love of Pete...
Off topic question. Who is Pete? Also of "for Pete's sake" fame.
... not sure.
And the insanity continues…
Ideology could not be more divorced from reality ... except, perhaps, for that in the old Soviet era.
It's unending🤯🤬
This administration is actually a sit-com. Surely we'll find out soon it's really a sit-com. Right? It HAS to be a sit-com!
Sounds like AI hallucinating offices.
This is cruel and degrading treatment of course. But many of us who have worked for corporations have suffered such treatment for decades. And most of America has just treated this as normal market fluctuations. Can someone explain why treating federal employees this way is viewed as more egregious?
maybe they asked chatGPT to generate a list of office spaces
Maybe we found the government waste Musk has been searching for
Maralago ?
Quality work DOGE - doggies do it again! They can’t figure out how to do anything right!
Yes, for the libertarians everything has to be private.
Sounds sketchy, to say the least, but at this point, everything is sketchy!!
Good luck getting your refunds this year ...
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It’s a great year to owes taxes.
I bet they can still cash those checks pretty quickly, though.
Still waiting for the $180 owed to my father for 2023. He passed in February 2024 and my sister & I decided not to even file for the tiny amount he paid in taxes during the 5 weeks he was alive in '24 because the process was already a mess.
Everyone file an extension. That is legal and will fuck things up
Ditto and purposely
Joke's on them, I owed money! 😅😭
😂🤣 💸💸 Me too.
Send them a paper check. They'll lose it.
Lol same 🥲
Huh ... This does not seem like a Bezos approved state-media article.
Could it be Zuckerberg buildings?
Drill baby drill
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Set up n weird 🤔
quit paying your student loans until the Department of Education is restored ''it is the way'' they just take your tax refund until it is paid
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Oh, they're just dicking with us, now. This is a spoofy bullshit action.
I guess in the next Declaration of Independence we'll need to include:

"He's quartered large bodies of civil servants among us;"
Solving the office crisis by repealing the third amendment
You know, suggestions by AI overseen by credulous greedy inhuman losers
Probably just accidentally outed another CIA safe house, like he did in Virginia!
So WfH, just not HER home.
$$$$$ FIREWALL, thanks again. 😖
Trump and Dumber

On TVs near you...
Thanks, I needed that.
( I heard and saw your 9-10pm voice and face immediately. )
Safehouse, oopsies
So much winning.
Super geniuses bringing new innovative solutions to government!
Maybe do something to help flip the House Rachel 😔 Have these candidates on your show

✅ Donate!
✅ Volunteer!
✅ Make calls!
✅ Write postcards!

FL01 Gay Valimont

FL06 Josh Weil

NY21 Blake Gendebien
When AI and 20-something tech bros who either used AI to get through school or dropped out start running logistics for the entire Federal workforce.
#MMW I guarantee you that's an office owned by a republican donor or benefactor. OR it's just another scam designed to get people to quit their federal employment. Can't fire them? Send them down to the basement like Milton in Office Space. And you know what happened when they did that. #RedStapler
Also, whoever wrote that is about to get fired, or demoted to writing entertainment articles
Don't forget how that movie ended.
What do you want to bet that the 'private home' was a safe house for the US Marshal Service, that can no longer be used for it's intended purposes. I'd bet that the other was the result of a Non-Profit substance abuse recovery center, that at some point the GSA inspected, and it got into the system.
I would choose the private home option…just to see what happens.
Trump's people weren't at all competent in the first term. It appears they have only gotten less competent...
How apropos
This is my way of pushing back!
💰👺 50% of MAGA
supplement their incomes with child sex trafficking.
👺💰MAGA are trafficking their own children & others!
👺 Handed down in families!
💰Generational incest Satanist trafficking of children!
Confront Them!
They don't deny it! They Run!🏃‍♀️
“Incompetence beyond belief”…the Trump tour motto.
Incompetent nerds
Probably a safe house
Why not get the “We Work” people on it?
This is for WeWork what the pandemic was for DoorDash.
Nothing shady here.
Love love love this. Stop complaining and get to know your neighbors! Geez. 🤣🤣🤣
But the emailssssssss ....
Trust = Intent + Integrity + Capability + Results. My score for DOGE is 0.
Deliberate harassment of federal workers - Trump wants them to quit. I hope federal workers unions are raising holy hell over this.
When unregulated Artificial Intelligence is used.
Keystone USA
There are govt workers who were HIRED as remote workers...never were attached to physical buildings. These people need the flexibility to work from home bc their co-workers are spread out across the country and they use Zoom or other online meetings to co-ordinate. I'd say this SAVES MONEY!!
yeah.. but "their" home... not someone else's... that'd just be weird...
Walking into some else's home ... "Hi, I'm here to use your study... It's my closest designated govt office !!!"
Response ... "I don't think so Tim !!"
What is happening
Your government is creating conditions conducive to beginning a civil war. You're going to have a Christian Taliban style state with only white faces. Quite likely the country will split apart, that's why they're hoovering up all the money onto their side
The north won the civil war because they had more money. Trump and the billionaire cabinet have every advantage in a civil war.
Black people had better get themselves heavily armed
It’s almost as if they don’t respect this person as a valued public servant….🤔
Private home aka FBI safe house, CIA safe house, home of someone in witsec.

In other words, probably not an address that should be out there in the wild.
This entire chaotic scenario going on is not random. It’s the destruction of the US government piece by piece. Putin is over joyed. He is destroying us with firing a shot. All those bank loans to Trump in 1987-9 were cheap at twice the price.
What happened to the original offices?
They shut down the offices & then tried to sell them all within a few days. The sales were stopped.
An FBI safe house?
Big ballz HQ?
Things were so much easier back in the Air America days. Now, even our most obscure black sites are spilling all over.
AI sux
I’m watching your show, laughing until I cried. Thanks for injecting humor in what otherwise is horrifying. Please never go away ❤️
These are not serious actors. They are flim flam artists. Have you ever said “Flim flam artist” on your show, Rachel?
What? You don't think that there are bankrupt alcoholic scientists in the government? LOL
But at the same time, the FBI Director wants to work remotely.
With his criminal lover
Find me a federal worker that ISN'T dealing with alcohol or depression these days.
Another in an infinitely long list of WTAFs.
I'm so confused by this
Shady ..
Smart people these.
Can they be any more incompetent? I mean, even if they put a real effort into to it.
I hope she gets mileage.
We expect nothing less from this abomination of an administration
a CIA safe house? This is DOGE after all?
What in the name of all hell is going on and how can we stop this crazy train?!
Team USA is now Fighting For Its Life...time to take that HILL!
WTH! They have really lost their minds! No wonder his businesses fail!
Yikes is Trump covering the daily commute 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Because the DOGE bros are utter shite at actually building things.
Love to see how incompetent they are!
It's an AirCDC
Sham by the trump Administration
"Alcohol and debt problems..." I may need such a space soon.
Do they have plans to confiscate private property and they just let it slip?
Such efficiency
So much winning….
Hmmm, need to dig into that one a bit more!
Trump should definitely be attending the debt support group
Yeah, in the DC area, work centers near an employee's home were used by several federal agencies. The DoD was much more lenient. We worked at home 2 days a week or during inclement weather.
Space Match? Kind of sounds like SpaceX.
Ray-Ray! Why are you so surprised? Their idiocy is only eclipsed by their incompetence!
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.

That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.

This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.

Absolutely show up at the private house and report to work. That should take care of things.
Who is going to do anything about this? @booker.senate.gov @sanders.senate.gov @schiff.senate.gov @baldwin.senate.gov
What a scam
Any mention of per diem? That sounds cost effective. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Remember some of these employees are have national security clearances and are being manipulated and examined by the new regime. They are vulnerable and this administration has researched and appears to have through knowledge of what the goals are. Please keep reporting.
Tin hat alert .. are they inadvertently outing safe houses now?
I should probably stop watching spy movies.... It's not helping lol
"You can't work from *your* home - but you *can* work from this stranger's home 800 miles away!"

... because efficiency...

🤣 And they wonder why Canadians are laughing at them.
Right?!? My god they’re making us look so stupid 🤦‍♀️
They're making *someone* look stupid, for sure...
She should choose the latter because she'll probably need their services...
Pay wall on the article. 
they are doing what Proj 2025 says to do, make it hell for the federal employees so they won't want to come to work.
I don't understand. What happened to their offices and desks that they vacated a week ago? Why can't they return there?
The next best thing to your own home?
Please stop posting links to the discredited Washington Post. I am sure there are legitimate sources for the same story.
Like a safe house or rental property? Kept in areas where there were no hotels? or they were leased to staff who get housing included in any active duty deployment, and owning a house is way cheaper than paying for a hotel for someone for 6 mo?....

They want people to "return to office" there?
The government could own them through eminent domain to protect a future road path feasibility or a current pipeline, or just when no one has any relatives to receive an inheritance, or if the IRS seized the property for tax reasons.

They could be uninhabitable properties, wtf?
Dumber than a bag of hammered nails, all of them
Nothing says federal privatization like a federal agency being located in someone's garage.
Some of the most valued and innovative companies in ‘Merica started in garages. Just ask Tim Apple and my space ships don’t blow up Bezos.
Agree, "start" in a garage. Not remain in a garage to run a multi trillion dollar budget with millions of employees of 330 million clients. Just saying. No fortune 1000 is still operating out of a garage!
Just want to clarify in case my use of ‘Merica and Tim Apple wasn’t enough … but I was being sarcastic.
Sarcasm is so hard to identify without seeing the corresponding eye roll or wink or side eye, right ? But we see on the page.
I normally include a /s
The effort to destroy our American government is being perpetrated by lousy scoundrels who take pleasure inflicting human suffering. There’s a word that perfectly describes them:
Not Nazis. Rather Stalinists.
Now that's a surprise.
They're wasting our taxpayer money because they don't know what they're doing. One minute they're firing everybody the next minute they're saying no that was a mistake and all this cost money because we have two idiots in the White House oh my goodness my hair is going to fall out
It's just another way of saying you don't work here Anymore
All done by AI, zero surprises here.
Now that's just weird
How efficient!
DOGEY DOUCHE’s campaign could certainly incite alcohol and debt problems
Rachel, please follow up with a story on GSA, which is the agency that is responsible for providing office space for federal employees. They have also suffered from massive personnel cuts.
Are we surprised? These ijits haven’t a clue. We need to continue the resistance! Sue! Sue! Sue! Let’s play the orange smear’s favorite game.?
Where is Bernie and his sycophants?
Now what progressives????
Dear Media,

When in doubt, shine a bright light on congressional republicans … you know, the ones who are very afraid to be seen answering tough questions from their constituents … ask them very tough questions … very publicly.

Meanwhile, that U.S. Congressional switchboard number is

They are playing games with peoples’ lives!!
How much you want to bet Elon is laughing his ass off at giving workers these options.
Elon the EVIL.
Given recent events we're all gonna need help with booze and debt. 🙃
Probably in that order !!
Well, that last sentence me might be the SecDef’s office 🍻
Basic competence has left the building
That is weird.
This makes no sense
Our federal government can't seem to do ANYTHING right. 😒
And one space turned out to be Subway, I believe???
...all the "best" people utilized to type the list?
For consideration by Musk and Chuck Koch, the editor-in-chief of Project 2025; good grief, the rich are morons:

They want people to quit.
That was a troll response, guaranteed.
Looks like Grok is powering this “Space Match” bullshit
Good grief.