insanity. why would anyone risk working in the US. I know heaps of very qualified Australians who have come home - just too insane - and for no reason. Fuck Trump
Don't come to the US. It's not safe here. Vacation somewhere else. We are in a cold civil war, and Rump and Sissy SpaceX want it to go hot. Protect yourself!
Canadians are getting the message. Nearly 500,000 fewer travelers crossed the land border from Canada into the US in February compared to the same month last year. Flight bookings to the US are down.
It's only a matter of time before our Tourism industry is a thing of the past. They're already feeling in it down south in dt land. It's spring break & Canadians have all canceled their plans to come here. Foreign govs will be placing a no travel ban on US b/c of pol. chaos and diseases. USA! USA!
Companies like CoreCivic & GEO Group receive government funding based on the number of people they detain, which is why they lobby for stricter immigration policies. It’s a lucrative business: CoreCivic made >$560m in Ice contracts in a single year. In 2024, GEO Group made >$763m from Ice contracts
It is a difficult but important read. So many human rights violations on a single page. Torture, arbitrary detention, lack of safe food/water, inhumane conditions. Hopefully she (and many others with less voice) can get justice.
I am trying to sort through the chart below and can’t quite figure out what viable options might be open. Agree that we should sign ICC stipulation.
ICE is dangerous, lawless, and cruel. Anyone who stays on there under this administration is signaling that they have no red line. They will do whatever they are ordered to do. History is going to view them very unkindly.
Does this create a cause of action against ICE for false imprisonment? Can foreign citizens sue the United States? I wasn't paying attention in class the day they taught that.
Foreign nationals can sue the US government; however, I was thinking the Canadian government might have more power and be able to take more aggressive and immediate action. Think about what the US government has done when Americans have been kidnapped.
This except says it all. And I would venture to guess, they are why we can’t get any reform on immigration issues and policy. It’s all a money making scheme. Also, her treatment was horrendous! 🤬
ICE Detention Centers are a for-profit operation. Trump or his buddies may have a hand in these centers since they're so fired up to kick everyone out of the country.
Glad that the Canadian woman recognized that she got out because she was white and a Canadian. Sadly, the world doesn't care that this shit has always been happening to people of color and that there is no one who will come to their rescue.
Having read most of this story, the one thing that stands out most is that:
ICE detention centers are PRIVATELY RUN.
KKKorporations are PROFITING off of ICE Victims!
Most ICE victims are NOT criminals, and have fewer rights than ACTUAL criminals.
More proof we're now a Fascist state.
you were that was a crime committed against you by ICE a domestic terrorist organization designated that by we the people for acting outside ANY constitutional authority committing crimes by detaining people with no probable cause im guessing they didnt give you a court date either no due process
Great and heartbreaking essay - as an entrepreneur she read the situation exactly - detention centers are a business and ICE agents are the suppliers- as long as they have quotas to fill these arbitrary detentions will happen - constantly.
Canadians, you need to be aware that US immigration at PEARSON Airport is considered US SOIL so if they want to ship you to a detention centre from there, there's no stopping them. You are not in Canada if you're in US Immigration. (IDK if other Canadian airports are the same)
This is stunning! These people being held in these facilities and they have done no wrong. What is frightening is that this most likely to get worse during the Trump administration.
It's worth noting that Canadians see this & we clue in. We KNOW it's not safe to go to the US & won't be for the forseeable future. Especially as 45 and his cronies keep bad-mouthing us, our country, and threatening to invade.
In less than 2 months, he's undone 2 centuries of diplomacy.
I’m 🇨🇦, been in the US numerous time for business and for pleasure…Believe me when I say I will never ever set foot in the US again! Her story, and those of all these people, is traumatizing and difficult to comprehend. Why??? So much hatred for other human beings. It boggles the mind 🤯 There are thousands of people who likely were forced to over stay during the COVID pandemic because of lock downs and flights being off.
They will likely be detained if they return, even with a visa and correct documentation, for a holiday.
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
Thanks Rachel. This could happen to anyone, that’s the scary part. I’m a white newly Citizen and carry my passport everywhere now. I’m afraid to visit my homeland in case I don’t get back into the USA without incident.
Jessica Brösche, held for 46 days, and Lucas Sielaff, held for 16 days.
There’s also Fabian Schmidt, 34, a legal permanent US resident. He was detained at an airport in Boston before being transferred to a detention facility in Rhode Island
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
"Then, unexpectedly, they asked if they could pray for me. I was new here, and they wanted to welcome me. They formed a circle around me, took my hands and prayed. I had never felt so much love, energy and compassion from a group of strangers in my life. Everyone was crying."
You were kidnapped. By fascists-Now they’re flying their kidnapped victims to El Salvador as it’s now reported many of those men have no criminal records whatsoever-I am so sorry this happened to you. And for Putin’s 🐩 Poodle’s insults to your country. Americans must RISE and change this now.🇺🇸🇨🇦
Women, people of color, LGBTQ+, protestors, journalists, teachers, elderly, children, green card holders, permanent residents, tourists…all now unsafe. Stay away until Trump and Musk are in prison.
I know words cannot heal the pains caused by humiliation and cruelty, but I offer my sincerest apology as one person from the largest majority of Americans who do not support this click-bait shit!
Yes, just like the hundreds of people Trump Illegally "disappeared" to El Salvador that Trump CLAIMS are Venezuelan Gang Members... but NOBODY knows who they REALLY are!
They were not gangs or criminals like they were claiming. They were Hispanics with tattoos. That was their crime. They had no due process, and the felon defied a Federal Judge order.
Read the whole thing. This is awful. In so tired of greedy men running things. It’s disgusting and just so wrong. I’m so sorry for everyone trapped and scared.
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
This is an amazing and frightening world story that everyone must read. They always say follow the money and this story makes it so clear. Pain and suffering pays big time and in the billions. There was no real fear of the open border but the clear path to exploit people for greed and profit.
Canadians, it’s time to say bye bye to your snowbird homes. Who wants to be in a country on the brink of civil war and possibly have MAGA neighbours. Give your heads a shake!
This speaks to so many problems in our country but my first reaction to seeing this, besides the horror at what my country is doing to people, is that I'm glad it's a generic looking white lady as the cover of this story. Huge chunks of this country will only be moved when the victim looks like this
As I read her account of the unforgivable way she was treated, I was putting myself in her place. I might as well be prepared, even though I am an American citizen that was born here.
If only there was a thing as a the media who's job was to inform the people. Hm, or a political party in opposition. Or even anyone with a large platform on the internet would do and yet.
What a horrifying story. I nearly cried while reading it. And to think she went through all that because of something petty. Jasmine, you are an incredibly strong woman. I’m so happy that you are back home. Please take care.
I'm even more horrified by whats happening in th USA right now than I was before reading this article. Private companies running ice facilities for profit? Sickening
My son is getting his PhD in a few months. I will not be able to attend the ceremony as it is in the US and for my own safety I don't dare try to cross the border from Canada to the US. I can't risk it as your government hates Canadians so much.
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
My friend and I were just commenting, that Trump talking about annexing Canada sounded like hot air, until we saw on the internet how Canadians were reacting to said air.
He stated a goal of crippling our economy and then took steps he thought would accomplish that. That's not hot air. We know he and his rich friends want our resources and would ideally like not to pay for them.
And we're not alone. Look at the share of Ukrainian resources he wants in exchange for making Ukraine cede territory permanently to Russia, aka "peace," lowlife mobster style.
it can still be done safely, if you think russian roulette is safe
fly private, which averages about $30,000 and pick an airport to land in that is safe, arrange ground transportation, lodging, all off-book; then do it all in reverse to get back home
A family I know had plans to go to the US over spring break with a few other families. They're now traveling within our province instead - based on Trump's threats and tariff war. This just adds a new layer that will knock off even *more* tourism.
This, safety concerns related to spread of diseases like measles, not wanting to support the economy of a nation threatening its (now former) allies... the list keeps growing.
Obviously yes. Why would people willingly go there when your fascist government might wrongfully arrest you and provide no due process or way to contact the outside world.
No shit Sherlock… they know these stories won’t get traction if they talk about people of colour or other races because Americans don’t give a flying fig unless there is the remote chance that it will affect them! That’s not disingenuous, that’s playing to the market sadly!
Released? Hah! BS! Oh and I get it! Do you get that it shouldn’t be their fight? It’s a ‘white person’s’ fight, only on us, only our responsibility, we are the cause!
No I’m replying to your message because a) it’s the Guardian’s story b) because you seem to have missed the point to distract from the issue by media bashing (go forth) and c) dancing around pointing out how racist this reporting is, is yet another form of white washing and abrogating responsibility
Happen to be reading Richard Rohr’s new book, The Tears of Things. He says in Ch 5 that the How to Love is by participation, with and in the other. The Canadian author expresses her experiences with moments she experienced love from others, that which sustains.
Hard to see this happen to anyone and sorry just doesn't cut it. The trump clowns and his so-called leadership is an American shame and can blame all this on his MAGA theme.
I sure wish the damage that Musk and Trump and MAGA are doing to our country could be reported and understood by the American people. Please, forget the "don't chase shiny object", "have to pick your battles", "don't swing at every pitch". Cover it all loud and clear and honest and unblinking.
Ah yes, Canada—the land of maple syrup, moose, and rampaging Mexican cartels. I hear they’ve taken over Tim Hortons, demanding payment in pesos and smuggling poutine across the border!
The 2006 movie "Idiocracy", once a comedy about the future has sadly become a documentary about the present!
One of the GOP's fave tools is to devalue the dollar.
When the dollar is weak, the US usually benefits from foreign investment and it's a boom to tourism.
Something tells me history won't repeat itself this time.
Who would want to come here?
I absolutely know (friends, colleagues) who have dropped summer vacation plans to go to America (from France, Norway, UK). A 3 week road trip through 4 western states. A 10-day vacation in NYC and upstate NY. Florida from Disney to Miami to Everglades.
I should add that the west coast and NY trips are still on but several miles further north. Yep, going to Canada instead! The Florida goers are considering going to Disneyland Paris instead!
Worth reading! Written by a Canadian Member of Parliament. Not only Canadians being kidnapped by ICE, it's British and German tourists as well. You might like to have on your show?
The actual chaos,in addition to the crimes committed directly by the people linked to the dictators,ALLOWS the outbreak of a multitude of crimes as odious,but"just"opportune,by cowardly&cruel WIMPS🤬
It's the story of Garage Olimpo,based on true events in Argentina😢
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
Rachel, can you send this to every congressional office and ask them to read aloud to their representatives? I don’t think they have a clue what is really happening here. This story is chilling.
You do it because as an American (if you are) you have condoned this! Take responsibility for your part in the madness (I don’t care that you didn’t vote for him.. that’s not your free pass to abrogating responsibility)!
ICE is a business alright, dealing in cruelty. That seems to appeal to today’s American conservatives I’ve noticed. What a country you are now….
Thankfully she’s back home here 🇨🇦
Wow. I instinctively knew about the money-making business for the private prison industry. This article tells the name of the company. They get paid by the inmate so they are highly motivated to incarcerate people for the very slightest infraction. Taxpayers pay the bill for this waste & fraud.
Anybody with ties to a foreign country should carry a passport, always. Private detention centers are a horrifying conflict of interest. What’s next? Stealing victims’ properties? We are letting those monsters disappear whole families. Out of sight, out of mind can’t be America’s reaction.
These stories are very disturbing and informative. It is clear that our immigration system is partially to blame for the plights of many of these women. The bureacracy causes or directly is the cause of many of their detainments. No bipartisan immigration reform plan keeps the prisons full. $$$$$
soon people in deportation camps will be making teslas while theyre there and have their gold filling pulled out because they were probably smuggling fort knox gold
Republicans are hiding behind the story that they are receiving death threats and that's why they are going along with it.
I don't believe it, but even if it were true that, to me, is even more reason to stand up to him, because why would you ever want someone so violent in charge?
It’s very true…& they deserve this. When you’re still blaming Biden and “woke” while the world watches elon cut 200,000 jobs and government aid to poor Americans while he rakes in $8 million DAILY, what do you expect?
elon musk is a #welfarequeen
Honestly I wouldn't put it past them to falsify stuff like this just to spread propaganda, so I still don't believe it. Republicans constantly lie, so unfortunately they have lost all integrity as a result. Actions have consequences, as they say
If you follow the link I'm posting, it'll take you to the events page. Then click on either "Political Revolution" or on "No Voice Unheard" and you should see lists of upcoming protests
They don't look like buttons/links imo, confused me too
If I lived in another country, I wouldn’t come here! Trump is destroying the travel industry! As much as it will hurt us in the USA, I hope no foreigners come here, for their own safety!
Some won’t travel due to security and disease concerns. Others won’t because Trump is triggering a global recession and they are worried about job loss. Whatever the reason, he has gone full mad king and we must impeach him before he destroys everything we hold dear.
"The reality became clear: Ice detention isn’t just a bureaucratic nightmare. It’s a business. These facilities are privately owned and run for profit"
"Companies like CoreCivic and GEO Group receive government funding based on the number of people they detain, which is why they lobby for stricter immigration policies. It’s a lucrative business: CoreCivic made over $560m from Ice contracts in a single year."
Someone w/ dignity & clout in the #HouseJudiciaryCommittee should look into who's connected w/ #CoreCivic & #GEOGroup & surface any findings that come to light. Bet no surprises about who's behind these companies as part-owners.
Oh No! #GymJordan is Chairman, Trump's butt plug
ICE will eventually morph into Trumps Interior Ministry parliamentary force ... mark this post.
Hollman and ICE Agents should be put on notice by Dems that when they retake power, every one of them that broke laws will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest.
I was just browsing through when I came across your adorable profile, your post are interesting and I just thought of being friends with you if you don't mind? 🌹🌹🌹
It's frightening.
She said: Ice detention isn’t just a bureaucratic nightmare. It’s a business. These facilities are privately owned and run for profit.
The more detainees, the more money they make. It stands to reason that these companies have no incentive to release people quickly.
Corporations that stand on the side of our constitutional rights need to STOP paying into the SS now! Stop sending our money to line the pockets of the Grifters in office.
This is just one of many such stories that have surfaced in the past month. Horrific treatment of poor innocent people in all of our (American) names. I’m ashamed
This is part of a terror campaign.
The strategy of 'self-deport' relies on people being terrified of ICE. In the first Trump term, they were pretty open about breaking up families as a way to terrorize refugees from seeking refuge in the land of refugees.
This is such a harrowing account! The chains, the mistreatment, the utter lack of care shown to human beings who aren’t criminals ought to scare us all. The only reason for her release was that her friends & boss contacted the media. I am filled w/shame for my country turning into a police state.
Rachel, you have to stay on for five days a week (except for your vacation) to keep us abreast of all of his criminalities...I don't know what we will do without you.
This is what happens when a quota system is implemented instead of looking at each individual reason for entering the country. It’s become detain first, maybe ask questions later…if there is enough push back.
Share it on TikTok!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
Wonder if she can seek help from UN?
I strongly feel that when we are thru this, our allies should require us to sign it in order to be let back in the fold.
We're going to need a running list for the repairs needed.
For now, we should encourage ifunds to divert Corecivic and GEO holdings, as KLP has done.
While Jimmy Carter was laid to rest, they did this...
And THIS was under Biden.
What a beautiful picture you got on your profile, hope you don’t mind us been friends...🌹🌹🌹
But yes, it's not new for People of Colour. The US private prison industry has been causing terror for years.
ICE detention centers are PRIVATELY RUN.
KKKorporations are PROFITING off of ICE Victims!
Most ICE victims are NOT criminals, and have fewer rights than ACTUAL criminals.
More proof we're now a Fascist state.
P.S. please help us. 😭
In less than 2 months, he's undone 2 centuries of diplomacy.
How common will these horror stories become
They will likely be detained if they return, even with a visa and correct documentation, for a holiday.
I think the man you mention was detained at New Jersey.
There’s also Fabian Schmidt, 34, a legal permanent US resident. He was detained at an airport in Boston before being transferred to a detention facility in Rhode Island
Simply put, it's a failed state that is too unstable for ANY real commerce.
And anyone who wants to invest or visit or buy anything from the US needs to stop and consider if it's worth the risk.
This is N. Korea and Somalia type shit.
I know in some cases that may only apply to US citizens. But, they don’t even know their own procedures, and all of it is legally dubious at best.
Is obcene, cruel, negligent & uncivilized.
No amount of money can ever stop her PTSD
from those 2 weeks of Hell.
And yet when she sues it will make the tortuers think damn twice in doing again.
Ending this should be a top national priority.
fly private, which averages about $30,000 and pick an airport to land in that is safe, arrange ground transportation, lodging, all off-book; then do it all in reverse to get back home
Id sooner visit Afghanistan
Who wants to visit a country of cruelty?
That’s already 10% of the typical Canadian expenditures of $21 billion per year.
Border crossings were down 500,000 in February.
So, the answer is yes.
The only person MSNBC decided to interview was a white person, if you don’t get that, that’s your problem
The 2006 movie "Idiocracy", once a comedy about the future has sadly become a documentary about the present!
When the dollar is weak, the US usually benefits from foreign investment and it's a boom to tourism.
Something tells me history won't repeat itself this time.
Who would want to come here?
Gone. Dollars disappeared.
Bravo, Donald!
It's the story of Garage Olimpo,based on true events in Argentina😢
ICE is a business alright, dealing in cruelty. That seems to appeal to today’s American conservatives I’ve noticed. What a country you are now….
Thankfully she’s back home here 🇨🇦
CoreCivic and GEO Group, eh?
I don't believe it, but even if it were true that, to me, is even more reason to stand up to him, because why would you ever want someone so violent in charge?
elon musk is a #welfarequeen
If you follow the link I'm posting, it'll take you to the events page. Then click on either "Political Revolution" or on "No Voice Unheard" and you should see lists of upcoming protests
They don't look like buttons/links imo, confused me too
"Companies like CoreCivic and GEO Group receive government funding based on the number of people they detain, which is why they lobby for stricter immigration policies. It’s a lucrative business: CoreCivic made over $560m from Ice contracts in a single year."
Someone w/ dignity & clout in the #HouseJudiciaryCommittee should look into who's connected w/ #CoreCivic & #GEOGroup & surface any findings that come to light. Bet no surprises about who's behind these companies as part-owners.
Oh No! #GymJordan is Chairman, Trump's butt plug
Allow me, please, to post an abstract of the article for people with less time on their hands:
Hollman and ICE Agents should be put on notice by Dems that when they retake power, every one of them that broke laws will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest.
She said: Ice detention isn’t just a bureaucratic nightmare. It’s a business. These facilities are privately owned and run for profit.
The more detainees, the more money they make. It stands to reason that these companies have no incentive to release people quickly.
This actually happened in Amerika!!
The strategy of 'self-deport' relies on people being terrified of ICE. In the first Trump term, they were pretty open about breaking up families as a way to terrorize refugees from seeking refuge in the land of refugees.
Someone needs to hide the felon's Super Sharpie.
What a beautiful picture you got on your profile, hope you don’t mind us been friends...🌹🌹🌹
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
Amazing how fast Trump has made the world hate them.
US is a soulless nation.