“Many do not have transportation or they are homebound or in the hospital and don’t have access or simply don’t know how to use the internet... What happens to them? What happens to the person who can’t do it online and now their local office has closed?”
They hate elderly, disabled and poor. They're considered blight. They want to cull the herd.
Two Rivers Head Start Agency, the City of Aurora, and Fox Valley United Way
In 2025 there are still companies that won’t do biz via email to accommodate people w/speaking or hearing issues. They should be sued but that costs money so they get away with it.
They want to kill off the sick poor & use the healthy ones left as slaves.
Being a double-crosser LOSES, if the rest of us act together.
In other words, creeps get shunned;
cooperative people cooperate & win.
Anyone who is a drain on the governments coffers they want to die.
Pretty callous thing to say, just help people.
The Democrats should set up a fully staffed 1-800 number to collect complaints and explain who is to blame.
They could pay for it by firing their consultants.
because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
Donnie does not have legal control over the operations.
We went in for a name change and sitting beside me were three people who cannot use computers and the hold time for an appointment waa almost 2 hours I don't know if they could get an appointment that day.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Hurry up & die already.
So while they wait forever on "hold", they can also wait forever for the page to load.
"U.S. Rep. Chuck Edwards, a Republican from Flat Rock" 👇
It's the GOAL, not an unintended consequence.
If Seniors don't get their check, not only are THEY poor, but their families will be forced to help them financially, making THEM poorer too.
He dont give a damn.
That's why he's doing this.
Under normal circumstances people would after shocking developments like these go hold on what have I been missing all these years.
Sadly there are limited chances that people this far down the rabbit hole will wake up and vote them out.
More important to own libs..!
It truly is their end game.
they closed the offices & offices to FORCE you online to sign the TOS to log in
scammy mofos
This is the very same tactic but for taxes/refunds.
Don’t underestimate people who have no fucks left to give.
-Some MAGA billionaire
Ride or die.
Or, don’t ride, and die anyway.
I love to ride.
Better moving than not.
But, from a humanist perspective, what the hell? How did it come to this? I wish you strength.
Most likely when Orange Hitler declares martial law before the 2026 elections.
It WILL BE the bloodiest, goriest civil war in human history. And I’m in the deep-red south 🙈. Wish me luck.
But what concerns me is this; While there’s quite a few veterans I know of who are semi-organized/organizing, it seems that there are plenty who have forgotten the oath that they took (that I always hear them say that they “never un-took!”). I see ‘em at the V.A. a lot. (I’m retired Navy)
I wish we could just stop this lunatic and his project 2025 who is behind these decisions - to cut and leave people to suffer -
Russell Vought -
🖕🍊🤡💩,shady 🛋🖕&
This is meant to hurt people.
Their feelers got hurt, so now their wrath is unleashed, no matter how unjustified.
In her hometown in
Caribou, ME in the rain outside her office and family business,
SWCollins. Wanting a town hall for 25+ years