My Voter Information Card just arrived in my mailbox ONLY A FEW HOURS before the polls close!
Thank you Elections Ontario! Thank you Doug Ford!
My Voter Information Card just arrived in my mailbox ONLY A FEW HOURS before the polls close!
Thank you Elections Ontario! Thank you Doug Ford!
He's in Florida, and hundreds of snowbirds he knows didn't vote. This isn't gonna end well.
✓ Received $200 cheque from one of the candidates in the middle of the writ period
✓ Election news systematically blocked on biggest social media platform
✓ Got Voter Information Card in the middle of election day while voting was in progress
Btw, in my riding (Eglinton-Lawrence), as I type this, the Cons are ahead of the Liberals by 167 votes. It's killing me.
Watched an elderly woman (low income senior) trying to navigate an icy sidewalk with a walker. Local paper is Con-loving. I fucking hate Dug Ford
Checks arrived weeks in advance, CPC Candidate card arrived one week before, but the Elections Ontario card arrived this afternoon.
Curious, no?
Thankfully I voted early and didn’t need a card. Not that it matters in Farm Land. 😒