People who I trust as real NOs:
- Warren, Sanders
- Ossoff (voted no as a front liner up in 26)
- Warnock (called for new leadership)
- Kim and Gallego (said they were nos on both CR and cloture)
Everyone else I suspect, but Booker and Hickenlooper played coy for way too long and are up in 26.
- Warren, Sanders
- Ossoff (voted no as a front liner up in 26)
- Warnock (called for new leadership)
- Kim and Gallego (said they were nos on both CR and cloture)
Everyone else I suspect, but Booker and Hickenlooper played coy for way too long and are up in 26.
Reposted from
one reason to primary every democrat is, for example, that if you don't, some of the people who owe schatz for taking the heat on this vote get to remain in office, support him for leadership, and this entire you-scratch-my-back-i-scratch-yours-and-together-we-lie-to-the-voters farce continues