Trump Commerce Secretary says, “Let’s say Social Security didn’t send out their checks this month. My mother-in-law— who is 94—she wouldn’t call and complain. She just wouldn’t.”
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If her Social Security check were late or missing my 94-year-old mother would have hobbled to DC and wrapped her walker around the SS commissioner’s neck.
We are facing an unconstitutional threat to our country and our freedoms through an illegal power grab. Now is the time to make our voices heard.
Isn't this fool lucky that his M-i-L is wealthy enough not to mind losing her SS check, and doesn't need it to live hand to mouth or pay the rent? Reading the room? Not. Billionaires, eh? No self awareness.
Thanks Chris - Trump/Musk are enforcer puppets for the super rich and their rule by corporation agenda. Why aren't we calling these people out? Yarvin, Thiel, the techno bros and so on.....
AND anyone who does complain “is a fraudster”…”fraudsters always cry out first”…setting the stage for why people will not be helped when their checks don’t come. Conveniently, food banks aren’t going to be getting shipments either. They apparently WANT people to die.
This billionaire's mother-in-law actually lives with him and her daughter in his multi-million dollar penthouse in Manhattan. No wonder she doesn't haver to worry about getting a Social Security check every month.
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Yes, because senior citizens are notorious for having so much patience, they just sit by silently and let things that hurt them happen without comment.
This moronic statement by this clueless clown should be replayed over and over again- loudly- in every congressional district and on every media platform in the country
Sorry to disappoint Secretary Lutnick, but this senior has no intention of starving quietly.
Unlike Lutnick's MIL, I don't have a multi-millionaire to cover my expenses. I've paid into Social Security for over 50 years. That money's mine & the GOP won't steal it without a fight!
They're entitlements. We're ENTITLED to that money because we paid into it for decades. It isn't our fault that Republicans made "entitlements" a dirty word.
His MIL has a safety net. Many of us don't. Sorry if I complain because I can't pay the rent or buy groceries. Why do they try to minimize the consequences of failing to meeting their obligations to pay us the SS THAT WE EARNED! It's incomprehensible.
71-million Americans who receive - AND PAID INTO - Social Security should be contacting their Congressmen today. If they won’t respond, pretend they are Tesla, and boycott offices, carry signs at their businesses and raise holy hell.
Trump won’t be elected again. But Congressmen will try to be.
Life-long privilege is showing. Someone who never had to worry about money can't conceive of the average person who really needs every bit they are entitled to in order to get by.
Chris, I’m not some multimillionaires 94 year old mother-in-law who may miss her SS check assuming it will come next month ( maybe she’s senile or maybe he’s supplementing the money) but I’m 68, retired and disabled with extensive medical bills…I can’t afford to miss a single SS check! He’s crazy!
What an ass!
Stop the madness. The answer is Gay Valimont and Josh Weil running for the house in Florida's Special election April 1st. Send donations now. Flip the house!
This is the biggest lie!! Obviously, with a "Billionaire son", his mother wouldn't call because he would give her money. I have NO ONE. I LIVE on my check. I worked since I was 15. Sometimes, lots of times, 2 jobs. I had no one giving me money. What an asshole statement.
Are we surprised that this administration, made up of billionaire grifters pretending to be populists, is out of touch with the common man? For them, a Soc Sec check is less than pocket change! But for the average American, a Soc Sec check can be the difference between eating & going to bed hungry.
Here is the phone # for the Secy. of Commerce office. Stand up and let them know how wrong he, and the rest, are. They are testing the waters to see if people will push back. PUSH BACK-MAKE THE CALL. Yes, I did. 800-424-5197.
Please share this as much as possible. We CAN and Must make a difference.
Just watched that clip! My husband and I receive social security. And believe me, you don’t want to be on the other end of the phone if our checks didn’t arrive!
What about the Seattle Man they declared "dead" and he's alive. They stopped his earned benefits checks. The bank notified his wife sorry to hear your husband is dead?! WTF.
As exGov Malley said "Dems, this is a "Bunker Hill" minute America.
What an out of touch and idiotic thing to say! This clown knows nothing about living paycheck to paycheck or the problems facing ordinary citizens. Is he friends with anyone who doesn’t own at least one yacht??
We'd like to hear from your mother-in-law Mr lutnick. Not that we think you're full of crap. But then again you are a billionaire with your head up your butt
if their trial balloon is to test if a billionaire's live-in mother-in-law cares about missing a social security payment, they're about to build a hydrogen zeppelin
has he listened to his boss, ever?! 🤦♀️
Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says
that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks —
and that anyone who does complain is
“a fraudster.”
Commerce Secretary’s unconscious “Projections”
the Dangers of Psychological Projection
Visit a senior apartment complex and try saying those words.
Dearly departed, due to trump's inept covid actions.
What an idiotic excuse!
I hate these people.
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And I have a bridge to sell you.
Unlike Lutnick's MIL, I don't have a multi-millionaire to cover my expenses. I've paid into Social Security for over 50 years. That money's mine & the GOP won't steal it without a fight!
Trump won’t be elected again. But Congressmen will try to be.
Stop the madness. The answer is Gay Valimont and Josh Weil running for the house in Florida's Special election April 1st. Send donations now. Flip the house!
Please share this as much as possible. We CAN and Must make a difference.
Cheers. And thank you
As exGov Malley said "Dems, this is a "Bunker Hill" minute America.