Name someone famous who is Scottish, but who is against #ScottishIndependence ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ
*You can't, there isn't anyone.
*You can't, there isn't anyone.
Reposted from
I have two though, rod and ally, both of whom have gone way down in my estimation and don't deserve capital letters or surnames.
Breaks into non-comedic, heightened Weegie accent when prompted by her London masters.
A craitur.
'Comedian', who's whole schtick is, "I'm wee and have a cat."
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"Welcome back. Well I decided not to brave the waves of the North Atlantic.."
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"Well, I decided not to brave the heights of the Old Man of Storr.."
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"Well, I decided not to brave stepping aff the pavement on The Royal Mile, as it's too big fa step doon for a wee small me.."