Its misogyny when he says all women should make the same choices and hers are only “right” ones (in his male opinion). Glad he’s the one that gets to “step aside”.
Misogyny means dislike or contempt. He professed his love for his wife so clearly doesn’t hate women. He just thinks they should be SAHMs. Plenty of women are. It’s not the end of the world. If you don’t wanna stay home, don’t. This is simple stuff people.
Respectfully disagree. He is contemptuous of women who don’t line up with his views of their role and only holds up those like his wife as “worthy”. The life choices of other women are not mine to opine - nor his.
“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent” (1 Timothy 2:11-12).
This is in the bible. This is what HE believes based on it. Ya’ll mad at religion. This is what I’m explaining.
The quote just popped into my head for some reason.
“Dude, I've known u for ten seconds & enjoyed none of them, I'm not taking homework assignments from you.”
Suffrage movement was a 1840s white female movement looking for the right to vote. Minority women were still shunned, slaves, or not allowed anywhere near those conversations.
My (admittedly average) understanding of American history definitely suggests that open and institutionalized misogyny was, until fairly recently, a proud tradition.
If he kept it within his own family, sure. Do you. But he campaigns and funds his BFF Josh Hawley and his garbage policy too.
Also, he could have given that speech a positive tone while honoring his beliefs. Praise them for their hard work, remind them to put God and families first, etc.
There’s a wide variety of values held by the diff Christian churches, even amongst Catholics…as I’m sure you know. The nuns from that college said he went too far.
Again, his tone & messaging could use a lot of work. Plenty of Christians don’t agree with him, incl me. Lead with love & by example.
And are those wrong? Or are those just your beliefs? I could put you next to someone from a different country and background and they would say the same about your beliefs being incorrect
One of the key aspects my wife liked about me is I can fix cars, and can build a house by hand like a “Traditional Man”. Doesn’t make her evil. Just her preference. It’s only when we mention ‘traditional’ and ‘women’ in the same sentence does everyone get mad. That dumb.
Imagine, saying a guy invited to a small Catholic school to talk about HIS catholic beliefs, and with a preapproved speech by the school is pissing people off so much. Ya’ll forget, they clapped for the guy after. I’m not a fan. Just stating what happened
This is in the bible. This is what HE believes based on it. Ya’ll mad at religion. This is what I’m explaining.
“Dude, I've known u for ten seconds & enjoyed none of them, I'm not taking homework assignments from you.”
Also, he could have given that speech a positive tone while honoring his beliefs. Praise them for their hard work, remind them to put God and families first, etc.
Again, his tone & messaging could use a lot of work. Plenty of Christians don’t agree with him, incl me. Lead with love & by example.
It's a shi*ty one.
You should question your belief system.
Yep, my 2nd block here.