500,000 🇦🇺ns may be missing out on our medicines Safety Net because the system is so clunky it still requires forms to be sent by snail mail to Medicare!
In 2025, we can do better
Our safety nets need to catch people, not add to their life admin burden
In 2025, we can do better
Our safety nets need to catch people, not add to their life admin burden
Aged Care is the worst and the elderly don’t stand a chance navigating that on their own
It’s not just me who thinks it’s a massive problem: https://www.thenewdaily.com.au/finance/2024/08/19/alan-kohler-australia-immigration-housing-crisis
When challenged, staff immediately deny script is double without checking anything.
The repeats are changed to NOT say x2 in the title. Only underlying script says it.
Now the ABCoalition notices?
Wonder why a few weeks away from an election with many not giving a shit what "Dutton says..." daily on the ABC.