And where the hell is the Supreme Court while all this destruction of government is going on? They had time to hear from a white woman who claimed she was a victim of racial discrimination. Priorities...
There are still folks on facebook who make wanting to make the libs cry 3/4 of their personality. Catch up, please. That stopped being cool a few weeks ago when many maga started realizing we’re all in this flaming sh*t boat together. Catch. Up.
I was always taught a fool is a dangerous thing, reason being that, they have lost all touch with reality, that's what most frightening about a trump supporter who thinks he's doing a good job.
Good. You need to get, and stay, enraged. It's what is going to help get you thru the process of removing trump. It's that, or give up. Everything. He'll take everything. So start figuring out how to remove him. It won't be impeachment....
It makes me so crazy, Jennifer. Listening to Trump lie like the pathological liar he is makes me so pissed. When he started blaming Biden for egg prices, I lost it.
I saw a clip from last night, but I didn’t watch any of it because that guy is a douche bag, but I found it not surprising that he would open up with bragging that they won all the swing states, etc.
Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his MAGTARD idiots away from any negotiating !!!... Biden ensured Ukraine had enough to finish Putin off once and for all ...Ukraine holds all the cards and the EU will now help them across the finish line-KEEP HITTING PUTIN HARD !!!!!😉👍
CANADIANS. Do not believe that this will last for 4 years. Trump has no intentions of leaving when his term is up. He cares for nothing and no one but himself. He is knowingly hurting his own country. He wants Canada. Do not doubt it. We must all do our share. This is. It a drill.
These posts are not going to change a damn thing.
Trump is uncapable of guilty feelings!
Trump could care less what you think.
Trump wants to see you suffer.
Now Trudeau flat out told us all trump wants Canada to suffer so we give in to his 51 state idea!
At what point do you protest? successfully grow crops you need... POTASH!!!
And you know who is the biggest supplier of POTASH? guessed it- CANADA! The country you're trying to screw you fucking moron! Oh yeah, have fun
In the greater picture, the sycophants and supporters are the biggest threat. They will still be around to latch onto the next populist demagogue that comes along.
The New York Times did an article this morning about voters in Arizona, who are loving this shit. I can’t wait for the roof to fall in on their heads. #realpainforMAGAts
Nobody really thinks he's doing a good job. A lot of people don't pay any attention to politics but are glad Their Team is in charge, but nobody sees job losses, 25% tariffs, and price increases on US goods as "wins."
I am not frightened, I am fucking pissed, furious about this Administration and fucking pissed at the damn Maga Morons, for not just voting 1 but fucking 3 times for this Russian turd!
But the bad news it’s going to happen to all of us. It’s going to take decades to unravel what they’ve buzzed saw to the ground. Not to mention how weak we are right now We’re one security incident away from slipping into a Third World country.
Elon Musk was on Joe Rogan podcast. Watch The Majority Report debunking Musk's claim that Social Security is "a Ponzi Scheme". It is clearly not. Musk stutters and lies to Joe Rogan's face. Joe just doesn't do his research. He relies on Musk to be his guide.Social Security is a solid plan.Musk=liar.
It’s a testimony to the resilience and systems in place that the FO is still off in the distance for so many that have FA. But system is eroding and the resilience is held together with hope and duct tape.
I agree and everybody across the globe is going to suffer. All for this stupid bastards ego. People were bitching about their 401(k)s under Biden when the market was continuously going up. Imagine now and in a couple of weeks.
I'm more frightened of the people that follow him. If no one followed him, Trump would just be that crazy uncle who says insane things at family get-togethers.
I'm also done trying to "understand" why they want this. I have listened to theories on they want change, they had traumatic childhoods, they are susceptible to cults. My conclusion is literal brain damage. Can't reason with them.
Same. My parents voted for him! I can’t stand looking at them anymore. They’re supporting all he does. Unfortunately, I still live with them even though i’m 30. I cannot afford to move out. I was going to look for a better paying job, but will that even be possible soon, with the way we’re going?
He wants to bankrupt them. When he said “farmers will be making a lot of money” it’s because he wants to buy their land for development. Cheaply, of course.
They are willing to crash the economy, ruin their own retirement, accept bad healthcare outcomes overall, and fight with their closest family, just to make sure an immigrant doesn’t get a hand, or some person in need doesn’t get SNAP benefits. These people are crazy.
Are you angry about the “Fate of the Union” address tonight? Horrified at us threatening to annex Canada? Shafting Ukraine? Firing millions of Americans? Cancelling aid? Trumpflation? It’s time to show our representatives & the world we’ve had enough. #sotu
yeah I don't see what there is to be frightened about.
President POS's poll #'s are dropping like a rock. Earliest ending of a honeymoon in history.
The incestuous world of the maggots is emboldening for them, until they step out of the bullshit corporate media forest.
I have no sympathy for the pain they're all about to feel. Like I said last night ,they'll be feeling it first, so we at least get to watch them suffer exactly what they wished upon others... they don't see who they really are, so it's mirror time magats..
I don't think placing all the blame is going to course correct our track to fascism. We need to bridge the divide on the left, and eventually attempt to have even an ounce of patience to let ex-magats realize that they fucked up, but that we (the working class) are all together in this.
What frightens me more are the unknown people behind the co-presidents. They have not been elected nor confirmed. We don’t know where their loyalties lie. All we know is they are wrecking our country.
Honest answer. Donald Trump wouldn't be anything if he didn't have his cult. Them being under educated, lacking critical thinking skills, racist, angry at the wrong things, just to name a few, is what's running the show.
I’m just ready for someone to drop a nuke on the east coast of the US and be done with it. This is too stressful and I’m ok with the US being destroyed.
Ive been enraged when they cut the funding for cancer research. I know I will suffer too, but theirs will be worse, Im going to watch & smile the entire time😏
Our stupid neighbors who don't see this as a threat to democracy are lost, I have cut them all loose, not going to debate this BS any longer. It's time to remind the hacks in DC that "Taxation Without Representation" is a good reason to start a war.
I’m still having neighbors on Nextdoor tell me they are happy with this administration because they are triggered by transgender athletes 😡 I am so ready for them to have some consequences. I really hope karma is real.
A lot of the Trumpers in my deep red area have reached a very odd part of FAFO where they can make a list of everything wrong that he's doing but can't bring themselves to admit that he's the common factor
Just stand back, start a garden and don’t drink the Flavor Aid. The MAGA cult is heading for Jonestown faster than a greased couch running from JD Vance.
I just hope the FO part bearings the morons to their senses, but they are so deluded they are likely to blame it all on Biden, even though it is crystal clear that Trump caused it. Strong koolaid. 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
Exactly, Trump is only a symptom of a larger problem. " The secret of freedom lies in educating people,
whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant" Maximilien de Robespierre
Friends I’ve known since HS support the asshole.How can they not see?It was obvious to me after the first minute of one of his shows.I didn’t take him seriously until he won the nomination in 2016.Hillary against Trump? What a cruel joke was what I thought.Of course I voted for Hillary. Never Trump.
Unfortunately most MAGA aren’t going to admit they are wrong. We are going to have to except that 30% of the American people are just narcissistic assholes
That's definitely been my experience with them. Even if it's not about politics, I've found MAGA and some Republicans in general will not admit to being wrong. Therefore, they have a difficult time sincerely apologizing.
In conversations with Trumpies it is clear they just don't know. They watch Fox and Newsmax and believe USAID is handing out condoms in Gaza and not saving starving children.
Following the NAZI propaganda playbook is working.
This video is close to going viral on YouTube. Please watch to the end and help send a powerful message 🙏🏻❤️
If you are a YouTube member please like/share/subscribe 🙌🏼
If you want to live, you better learn to fight. No oppressor ever relented because they were asked nicely. Make fascists afraid again.
They will disassemble the government.
It's the fools.
Trump is uncapable of guilty feelings!
Trump could care less what you think.
Trump wants to see you suffer.
Now Trudeau flat out told us all trump wants Canada to suffer so we give in to his 51 state idea!
At what point do you protest?
And you know who is the biggest supplier of POTASH? guessed it- CANADA! The country you're trying to screw you fucking moron! Oh yeah, have fun
No more farmer bailouts
It’s stunning how stupid people are
It’s almost beyond belief how ignorant “businessmen” are.
So many are so gd stupid
“You’ve got to remember these are simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know . . . Morons.”
It’s always the fools. The tyrant doesn’t get far without the fools.
It’s been the fools from the dawn of humanity.
It’s always the fools.
It will always be the fools.
The bulk of #USA red state production is now facing tariffs in all 3 countries
In #trump first admin, thousands of farmers went under when it was just #China. And all voted for #trump AGAIN
we are just as fucked over as maga. we're fucked over by them AND schumer
meet chuck schumer's biggest contribtor. landlord beast extraordinaire
left/right was the distraction
up/down is the war
And so far as the meme's question, don't be afraid of the symptom, be afraid of the cause.
President POS's poll #'s are dropping like a rock. Earliest ending of a honeymoon in history.
The incestuous world of the maggots is emboldening for them, until they step out of the bullshit corporate media forest.
Trump is only one ... millions of fools ....
So it’s the Fools I’m most angry with.
Those of us with intelligence and an understanding of the world simply know those people to be idiots.
There won't be someone with his charisma to take his place. Certainly not Vance.
And they'll all in-fight to be at the top, too, which would be good for the rest of us.
Sadly, they still won’t get it!
Delulu is a hard place to get someone away from
2. Pro-Trump apparel
3. American flag themes
4. Anti-Biden messages
5. Pro-gun gear (NRA, 2A)
6. Blue Lives Matter symbols
7. Truck/SUV with Trump stickers
8. Camo or tactical clothing
9. Christian conservative symbols
10. Rural/blue-collar aesthetics with flag
#liberateamerica #deposetrump
I send them thoughts and prayers since those have worked so well ending gun violence and natural disasters.
to mind..
I wish Kamala had won.
whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant" Maximilien de Robespierre
They all voted for this cunt because of "grocery prices"
Hope they're able to eat after today! Sucks to suck!
But, I’ve been saying the same thing for 10 years.
We ALL knew who/what he was, some just thought that was just fine.
Following the NAZI propaganda playbook is working.