Wait for it. Lightening should strike him. If not now, possibly in eternity. Well, one can hope these flying monkeys will have a really hard time entering the heaven they are always talking about. They know how to create hell.
Yes, starve the hungry, dehome the poor, kill the sick and annihilate God's creation. That's sounds about right as Trumps 'Cristian' Facists being in office doing their satanic works
That anybody would justify the God given free will a person uses to willfully hurt hundreds of thousands of people who PAID into a trusted government as a part of Gods plan is an affront to all religions and beliefs.
This would all STOP if they objected.
@indivisible.org @50501movement.bsky.social @sanders.senate.gov @warren.senate.gov @moveon.org @polrev.bsky.social @aoc.bsky.social
Please, please organize a gigantic March in DC. This budget resolution demands Americans marching in the streets. Not just locally but in DC. Please.
And please post the photos here.