Alberta, you’d better save up those petrodollars, because one day soon oil won’t be worth it to drill, and you might actually need Canada for something.
But you’ll have shown us who you are, and we’ll remember. If you think Danielle should be standing up for Canada, you might want to tell her.
But you’ll have shown us who you are, and we’ll remember. If you think Danielle should be standing up for Canada, you might want to tell her.
Thanks, man. Jeeze…
Furthermore, it's more than just Alberta. MB, SK, and BC all have very strong and vitriolic western conservative movements.
The CONS are destroying Hellberta, that is awful, democracy works until there is a majority ruling!! I wish the Quisling would resign!
Now, the remind me of the extroverted kid in high school who was always screaming, “Look at me!! Look at me!!”
She’s never listened.
But I love it here.