I love this; Lisa Corrao is my 2nd cousin! I’ve corresponded with her but haven’t met, because I was adopted, & only discovered this a few years ago on Ancestry. Anyway, this announcement tickled me since I only messaged her yesterday on Instagram & wasn’t expecting to hear her mentioned here! 🤣👍🏼
I saw you perform *twice* on NYE Seattle 2021. Frozen my ass off schlepping to the other venue after your first show. It was also my 8th wedding anniversary, and I wouldn't have done it differently!
Also, *Fedora Fabrications*
While, yes, I am in Florida, and I enjoy your comedy, Miami’s way too far for me to go on NYE. I cannot express how much I despise that holiday. Every year I get excited to turn down plans.
Thankfully that mother of two from Florida was held on $100K bond. On an unrelated note, did anyone hear about the two young men that were stabbed in Manhattan the day after that CEO got shot
One of them survived?
The survivor gave a detailed description of the three attackers?
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Have a great show!
Also, *Fedora Fabrications*
One of them survived?
The survivor gave a detailed description of the three attackers?
I enjoy vids with flaws more than the overly polished, super-edited junk
Sounds like a fun night