I saw Bernie Sanders today in Warren, MI and a statistic that shocked me is that working class people live an average of 7 years fewer than wealthy people.
We also have the lowest life expectancy and the highest medical costs among large, wealthy countries.
It's time to dismantle the oligarchy.
We also have the lowest life expectancy and the highest medical costs among large, wealthy countries.
It's time to dismantle the oligarchy.
They don’t want their taxes to increase, so that your government has to look after you once your use has expired.
And now there is a fascists in control, it’s only going to get worse…
I wish more Democrats were like Bernie and Elizabeth Warren.
Since, you know, they're so fucking concerned with DEATH.
There is no reason why anyone living here, in one of the richest nations on the planet, should have the least affordable and accessible healthcare. It costs our country far more when so many people are ill and injured and can't get care.
Wealthy don’t.
If resistance doesn’t even know the definition of the words they use, how do they expect “the voting class” to understand them?
If the resistance doesn’t even know what the definition is of the words they use, how are voters supposed to figure it out?
Also there are hundreds of thousands of people in the government. If a small group of people control our government, why are judges overturning musk and trump’s firings? Drop saying oligarchy all the time, it doesn’t apply.
That drug was developed in Japan in 2002. It’s licensed to one USA company. Justify the cost.
Outing himself
Fight. Breath. Repeat.
#Traitor #Felon
But when I take my seat, I'm getting to work putting forth legislation to limit terms for all government positions, and create a watchdog agency focused on lobbying and inducements
Thank you Bernie Sanders
Working class people are servants to the wealthy.
Go team guillotine...
They spend their days playing golf, tweeting, and determining who will be next to lose their job and insurance.
They don't actually do anything useful.
Oh, insurance they really don't need, but use the most since they can actually afford the deductibles and co-pays.
#No47thReich #InvictusManeo #DurisNonFrangor #ElbowsUp
BLOCK any GOP efforts to give tax cuts to wealthiest!
IRE $6,047
US $12,555
Life expectancy
IRE 82.4
US 76.4
Preventable illnesses
IRE 109 per 100,000
US 238 per 100,000
Annual pharmaceutical costs per capita
IRE $625
US $1,432
Medical bankruptcies per year
US 326,000
Infant mortality Per 1000
IRE 1.9
US 5.6
Bernie Sanders knows the answer. This is 30 mins of pure common sense and a display of empathy too rarely seen in American politics.
Don't know that either can be achieved sans pitchforks.
How to expand intelligently in 300 words or less? Not possible. :)
But convo is welcome.
I can conceive of a society where economic disparity is minimized yet gender disparity remains a problem. That being said, addressing gender disparity without first tackling economic disparity would be a heavier lift.