I cut up my membership card when they voted to trigger Article 50.
Used my Unison membership to vote for Starmer as leader bcos of his Remain credentials, only to be betrayed by the gutless wonder.
I voted LibDem last yr. My local Labour MP just parrots party line & is quite terf-y.
No. Trump's about to stop all arms shipments as was his plan from the beginning. Nothing whatever to do with Starmer who is certainly doing the best that can be done.
How many Ming vases he will carry? Inviting felon and rapist Trump for state visit is what in your view? Imagine if that's any other PM done you will be in the arms but if it's Kier Starmer you always come with famous Ming vase? Please grow backbone
We had the alternative from the beginning to tell him to go to hell.
Maybe I am not white enough to constantly want comfort over what is right but I have dealt with bullies and you don’t pat them on the head. You hit them as hard as you dare.
Did you know Alan Ritchson is about the same height as Trump although Reacher is taller in the books. I think Alan carries it better though. In lots of ways.
I think I'm actually impressed with Starmer. He absolutely knows how to handle Trump. Flatter him, kiss his ass, get what you need. But not at all costs..
He is walking a very fine line and I'm glad he's the UK's PM right now.
The big difference though, is that it’s not Britain coming hat in hand for help and beg. This was clearly a set up, as we don’t typically have a press conference until after the deal is agreed to and they are signing documents. Someone got to them.
Starmer may wait too long to craft a response to the Zelenskyy ambush. It makes him look like a suck-up and indecisive. Kudos to the Europeans who spoke up.
It’s notable how visibly scared people are to speak freely in the Oval Office, and how upset those most vocal free speech activists are when being spoken to freely in their own workplace.
Remember that European combined defence spending is 3rd behind China at over $300bn, it'd be great if we were part of that mythic European army now, eh?
Reacher good, Hollywoods idea of a true American, Trump bad, Hollywoods idea of a Russian sleeper agent. Turns our sleeper Trump much worse than sleepy Joe!
I think what Starter achieved yesterday was EXTRAORDINARY 😉
Trump was probably ready to do what happened to Zelenski, but whipping out that letter was genius and defused any ambush.
No letter has been so pivotal since Chamberlain's "I have a letter in my hand".
Exactly, I can't believe he's being criticised for not immediately posting on twitter. He's spoken directly to Zelensky and I hear he's been talking to Erdoğan, actually working not tweeting.
The fact he now has to greet Trump on a state visit date today is just horrific. That was utterly repulsive today and the idea we lay the red carpet out for Trump now is equally so
The KIngs invite to Trump should be revoked. It should be then extended to President Zelensky. This is not against America. It is against those who have misappropriated the values of the USA.
Starmer's Ming vase is empty. It contains nothing and is of itself the only valuable thing, his place in office. But it doesn't feed anyone, sustain them, water them. It is just something he holds.
Next Gen for me....I don't want to live in Trumps America like some other presenters on your station.....I want to be in the Gene Rodenberry Universe where there's hope for humanity!
And you thought you were in for a quiet life after our election 🤔 🙄 🤣
This one of the most undignified political spectacles i have ever witnessed. America and the rest of the world should be ashamed of that odious orange man.
Me too. As your favourite 😂columnist says, “You couldn’t make it up “. No one who saw that manure exhibition will ever forget it. It is beyond parody. God help America.
Those chems have addled his brain. But is you look beneath the pancake, his skin looks to me like he has many "sun spots" or some other kinds of spots.
If there is a positive to be taken for today’s debacle ,the collective response of the vast majority of European Leaders has been in support of Zelensky and Ukraine.It seems that Trumps temper tantrum and Vance’s shit stirring has inadvertently brought Europe closer together.
I watched the first Reacher 3 episodes, and I have never seen a more wooden delivery from a normally talented cast. It's like they were directed by a high school theatre major over a weekend on marijuana.
I can not remember being this angry about the disgraceful way in which Zelenskyy was treated by trump and Vance. Never in all my years have I seen such disgusting bullying behaviour played out in real time to a man who has done so much in defence of his country. AMERICA what have you done.
A Canadian here. A country that Trump has repeatedly said he wants to “annex”. We fought for your survival in the Second World War and suffered a terrible toll in deaths. Why is the U.K. not standing up for either Ukraine today or Canada?
Sorry to butt in, I've ditched Kindle for Kobo and would highly recommend. My lovely OH transferred my Kindle library to Calibre and downloaded my unread books onto my Kobo. Bit of a far but easily done once you know what you're doing.
What’s your take on Reacher? Love the books however Cruise is too small, but a great actor. Amazon series big dude in the Reacher physique but not such a good actor
Yeah, they're very close to the books and AR plays someone with "hands like shovels" better than TC did. The first TC film was great though, 2nd was some contractual thing and pretty bad.
Really? After Frump equating war with business, how does taking pensioners winter fuel allowance or pensions equate with the costs insuring he doesn't die in the UK?
Scotland remembers Trump most fir not restoring the water his workers cut off to a pensioner for over 5, yes 5 yes.
Try going 5 years without water.
Without tactical voting, I don't think he would have had the huge majority.
I hope we have better tactical voting options next time.
Tactical voting put him in. In 4 years I trust we will have better tactical voting options
Used my Unison membership to vote for Starmer as leader bcos of his Remain credentials, only to be betrayed by the gutless wonder.
I voted LibDem last yr. My local Labour MP just parrots party line & is quite terf-y.
Maybe I am not white enough to constantly want comfort over what is right but I have dealt with bullies and you don’t pat them on the head. You hit them as hard as you dare.
I don't recommend it, way too far fetched.
He looks as much like Jack Reacher as Tom Cruise did, although Cruise could 'act' it.
#boycott #economicblackout
Where's Starmer
Least he can do is withdraw the offer of a state visit... surely
He is walking a very fine line and I'm glad he's the UK's PM right now.
As an American I’m embarrassed because my leader is a bully and narcissist. He has no morals and lacks a soul.
On the other hand, if my leader kissed ass I’d likely be embarrassed as well.
All ass kissers suck!
Believe me. I hate Trump more than you are able to.
He is destroying my native country.
Trump was probably ready to do what happened to Zelenski, but whipping out that letter was genius and defused any ambush.
No letter has been so pivotal since Chamberlain's "I have a letter in my hand".
He has the best majority or all European leaders Britian surprisingly still is respected ( not sure how)
Rescind the state trip,back Zelenskyy 100%
And show Trump what standing up to bullies like putin looks like
They can ram it for at least 4 years.
Trump would not want to debate him. The right wing get cut down every Wednesday in Parliament - best thing to watch live, from the parliament website.
Tune in from anywhere in the world.
This one of the most undignified political spectacles i have ever witnessed. America and the rest of the world should be ashamed of that odious orange man.
By the way...where is #nigelfarage?
A bit to silent this days...
I have been bible watching Silo, Shrinking, and Severence, along with Prime Target.
Description massive orange blob , whining noises , pungent smell of fake tan and faeces
Those chems have addled his brain. But is you look beneath the pancake, his skin looks to me like he has many "sun spots" or some other kinds of spots.
The charm offensive cannot be, well Britain is ok or well France is ok.
There needs to be a united front. You mistreat one, you mistreat all.
Who has ever been more mistreated than Zelenskyy?
I am an American.
I am embarrassed.
Zelensky gave as good as he got.
Time for a 4 year #boycott #economicblackout
I have just decided to stop at season two.
I cannot bring myself to watch Amazon Prime again.
Books downloaded, Calibre installed to remove (legally) the DRM and bought a KoBo.
Prime cancelled.
This is the way.
Which is never the way to deal with bullies.
And it seems he's carrying it for the wrong side.
2 assignation attempts already.
Me, I don't want a matyr.
Many Scots have not forgiven him for the treatment of a pensioner.
People who have never protested before (including me), are planning to go up to London if he comes here. It will be huge.