Hate to bring this up, but we must assume our current head of state controls secret service details for former presidents, something that was never done before. They may be subject to arrest and confinement, given the current tendency to foreshorten due process. He's waiting to break the judiciary.
incredible peasant energy coming off of liberals, really the first clue that they wanted to have a king was when their response to people asking democrats to try to win their votes was to insist we are obligated to vote for them and they owe us nothing. which seemed very feudal to me.
Like voting is the equivalent of handing over my millet at harvest so the lord can take their cut. obviously votes are almost valueless but the principle is the same.
So tell us how Trump did in the Republican debates? Oh wait, he skipped it all and insisted he was the only nominee worth voting for. The RNC and MAGAs response? “Yes Daddy”
who cares? he won, clearly he was right to not bother. That's called being a competent politican, something democrats are too stupid to grasp. Yeah, Trump is smarter than you, that bloviating moron is your superior.
because liberals still worship him and act like we're insulting their parents when we criticize the guy. just like medieval peasants talking about their king, they are also stupid and belligerent like medieval peasants. They also drool and smell bad.
Hey lil anus, liking someone is different than wanting a king. Republicans still worship Regan the same way. They elected the Bish family twice, and turned a blind eye to all trumps crimes because they worship him and make golden statues of him and actually DO call him a KING. Just MAGA projection
Just curious, what exactly do YOU stand for? We get that you hate Democrats, liberals, and apparently peasants. But what do you believe? What would you want from a leader? How would you handle the situation we’re in right now?
wild thing to admit about yourself, you do realize that is the point we are making here, right? Not that Obama thinks he's a king, but that people like you do.
If you had just stuck to your original assertion your argument would have been worth considering. It was when you started talking about peasants and all that shit when you kinda made your statement seem like a joke.
You are at a loss for words because I smoked your weak punk-ass. Don’t worry, this is just a lesson for you. You need to check a person’s feed before telling them to “suck”
Come at me again and I will really hurt your feelings and emotions
Obama is wrong. Voting only works in a fair system with free elections. With our BS two party system, crooked election finance laws, and litteral election interference, we haven't had a fair election in generations. Voting failed us. Don't vote; get your gun.
We don’t have a 2 party system, there are other parties that fail to get votes because of fringe candidates and unstabling. I agree theory that reform is needed. I don’t want to kill people
Yes, we literally have a multiparty system, but much like racism, we have to look at how the systems work in practice. Big money has made it impossible to get financing for an election unless you're center or right politically. Thus, a two party system.
It's not about buying votes it's about buying influence. You need vast sums of money for the media and personnel needed to campaign. When only two parties receive 99.9% of big money donations, the other parties can't compete. Then, talented leaders will be drawn to the only parties with resources.
Well, people are coming to take you and your loved ones' freedoms or worse. You can only counter authoritarianism with force. Fascism does not care about the rule of law. Will you fight, or will you surrender?
Boy you are so lame, a communist, high as fuck laughing about fiber bars…..your wife is one of the most unlucky person I can imagine.
Stupid mean old-ass gamer. not a single post you’ve ever made is relevant, interesting or thought provoking. Please find another conversation to interrupt
Considering we're holding all dems accountable here for not fighting back, identity politics doesn't stand.
So cool your jets and fight the oligarchy, not the people already in the fight.
Hey make a fucking voting plan. Hold the voters accountable for dropping out of line, staying home. We didn’t have the votes and that’s on us. We have a chance to recover ground in the midterms, work to convince the people in your circle that it’s time to show up
For the record, I've done what you're talking about too. And he still needs to use his position of public visibility to fight against literal fascists. Anyone in the public eye needs to. Anything less is being complicit at this point. The best nazis were the ppl that didn't want to rock the boat.
your aim is off! That man dedicated his life to equality and the problem is not speeches IT WAS THE VOTES. Bernie and AOC are doing there thing. It will make you feel better but won’t change a damn thing. Your friends/family are de facto facists if they are not making elected reps uncomfortable
Would you like to try again?
Every dem has done something when in power they shouldn't have or could have stopped. Every one of them.
Look at this with open eyes and see that the connecting factor is in the money that funds all politicians. Til then, you're blindly following.
Blindly loyal. Called it.
The trick is to see when the cognitive dissonance hits to the point where you just blindly lash out without reason. Which you're doing. You assume I do nothing when I've been fighting for 25+ years. And then relish in your false assumptions because I hit a nerve with you.
Right. Because being pro genocide when everyone was very loudly saying "that's not ok" had *nothing* to do with it.
Remember. They work for us. They need to win the people over, not the other way around. Blindly following any party isn't how democracy works. 🙄😒
It’s both arrogant and presumptuous to assume I’m blind. I have no permanent friends/enemies just a permanent agenda to EXPAND LIBERTY. Assuming you know what I’m talking about…tell me when republicans have done that in the last 100 years. I’ll wait
List the errors of the dems in the past 12 years if you're not blindly loyal as you say.
I have no love for repugs. But then again, it's just like a lib to assume I would just because I jold them both accountable. So, dem errors. List them. Go for it. I dare you.
Correction. No one is coming to save us. But I get where you’re coming from. Academic anarchy translates to dumb as fuck to me. So thanks for participating now here’s a coloring book for you. Please go back to your corner while the critical thinking crowd tries to save your ass
None of the former presidents have said ANYTHING about Trump and what's going on. Besides, it wouldn't do anything anyway. The only way to stop it is to get him out of office by any means.
While Republicans see Trump as their “daddy”. At least your mom has better taste and prob would’ve had a better son had Obama actually been her boyfriend.
Obama sucks. He could have gotten us universal health care. Instead, we got private insurance with extra steps. He could have fixed campaign finance. He could have codified Roe. Everything he did was a boon to big corporations and the military industrial complex.
You know you’re proving Gallifrey’s point by responding to mockery of Obama and his supporters like I just called your spouse a slur to your face, right? Not even any argument, just visceral and personal right away. That’s the whole thing: parasocial shit. It’s fucking weird and feudal.
I don’t give a fuck who doesn’t step up anymore regardless of party, former VP/P, influence, stature, celebrity, corporation, law firm, judges, military. They are just humans & citizens too, but sacrifice at a time like this is too much to ask & put upon them- they need protection & quality of life.
Even if Obama wanted to publicly criticize Trump, he would have encountered significant resistance from his wife, Michelle (the boss), as she is well aware that Trump has displayed a strong willingness to pose threats to family safety.
Naw. A black man putting the safety of his family first, especially during a time when the POTUS, the DOJ, the majority of congress and the head of the DOD are all neoKlansman out for retribution against any and everyone is the right thing to do. Kamala tried to warn us all. Y’all fix it
You act as though I voted for trump. Is that your assumption? That because I see the vast majority of those in power and those with influence not fighting back that somehow I made the wrong vote?
Supporters of Trump 2.0 overlooked him as a visionary for today's chaotic world. To seek genuine redemption, they must recognize their mistake and cease their complaints about Obama. But, I realize that this demands rational thinking and strong character, which may be challenging in this context.
I never supported the 🍊💩. I've always held all parties accountable for screwing regular folks over. We should all be doing that, understanding the connections between the main parties and who funds them both and why. Only then can we see the larger patterns at play. That requires courage.
Barack and Michelle Obama deeply understand the implications of terms like “regime” (evil governance), which are crucial for U.S. politicians to recognize as they relate to complex racial issues that can result in significant moral and physical consequences between black and white individuals.
You think bombing hospitals and medical workers intentionally or starting a failed occupation that sees over a million Arabs slaughtered has a "crucial role" in functioning governance?
I bear no responsibility in this matter! Nonetheless, governments are often described as a necessary evil because they are crucial for maintaining order and safeguarding their interests, despite worries regarding the possibility of power misuse.
I agree with you that American Liberals are right wing when you look at global politics, but you never specified American Liberals, or a global political view.
As for what I stand for, I'm a communist. I want a stateless classless moneyless society in which the means of production are collectively owned.
#Obama already told your asses what to do
Come at me again and I will really hurt your feelings and emotions
Stupid mean old-ass gamer. not a single post you’ve ever made is relevant, interesting or thought provoking. Please find another conversation to interrupt
So cool your jets and fight the oligarchy, not the people already in the fight.
Every dem has done something when in power they shouldn't have or could have stopped. Every one of them.
Look at this with open eyes and see that the connecting factor is in the money that funds all politicians. Til then, you're blindly following.
The trick is to see when the cognitive dissonance hits to the point where you just blindly lash out without reason. Which you're doing. You assume I do nothing when I've been fighting for 25+ years. And then relish in your false assumptions because I hit a nerve with you.
Remember. They work for us. They need to win the people over, not the other way around. Blindly following any party isn't how democracy works. 🙄😒
I have no love for repugs. But then again, it's just like a lib to assume I would just because I jold them both accountable. So, dem errors. List them. Go for it. I dare you.
That’s how elections work.
He doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to. Also, are you just casually ignoring the people who ARE speaking out?
Bernie, AOC, Pete Buttigeg, watchdog agencies, judges, including Trump appointees, and countless other congressmen.
I'm embarrassed to be an American.
It might be worth your time to take AP statistics.
She sees him as her “political boyfriend.” Not making this up, those are her words.
Years later, it reappeared, as a shrine to Obama.
Just because they aren't radical like you doesn't mean you can change the entire political spectrum to fit your ideology.
That does clear things up.