“Healing lik' magic? Or healing lik' doctors 'n' shite? Aces high. Draw!”
A two of spades. He hissed but didn’t look too displeased. “Ain’t gonnae be hard tae beat that, ah reckon.”
A two of spades. He hissed but didn’t look too displeased. “Ain’t gonnae be hard tae beat that, ah reckon.”
"Magic, absolutely. I eventually learned the trade of a medic, of course, otherwise it's that much harder to know what spells are needed."
His next, an Ace of Diamonds. A small smile slipped onto his face, a large grin barely contained. “Ah, bit luck shines upon me this time! +
They pass their card over and draw, and add, "It was... always something I took to, I suppose. It just felt natural to chase that aptitude."
“Ye git th' whole royal family in thare? What, did ah not shuffle half o' th' deck?”
Some said if one knew how to read the cards, you could gleam messages from the future.
To Jacks, that seemed like a load of horseshite. Ain’t no room for writing +