You stupid, opportunistic, traitorous bastards.
You’ve all done such unforgivable harm to our country, risking our safety, prosperity and wellbeing in your nasty, populist cravings for power.
You stink of him.
Shame on you all forever.
You’ve all done such unforgivable harm to our country, risking our safety, prosperity and wellbeing in your nasty, populist cravings for power.
You stink of him.
Shame on you all forever.
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The Kochtopus is extending its tentacles|
MAGA is the Nazi Party and Reform is its British wing.
Time to stfu.
The world's in big trouble.
America is in the hands of a corrupt, rogue regime, but it is not just their democracy at stake.
Oswald Moseley was jailed during WW2.
So for years of Farage and his troublemaking, 🙏 lock him up.
UK media is very low on genuinely independent journalists - Byline Times is my favourite, Ian Dunt and James O'Brien, also good.
I was doing that fatal "lib" thing, trying to be fair 🙃
I am so weary of white male supremacy nonsense. To be fair, I haven't heard this from James O'Brien.
If you expect them to use it for good, you're doomed to be disappointed
In spades.
This just my own subjective experience, but most people haven’t got a clue what’s happening IRL. Unless they obsess over politics online (a niche hobby) it’s opaque to them
Has Starmer reacted at all yet?
There's no allegiance to people or territory.
Labour aren't far off, look at how hard they're trying to curb oligarchs... Israel... Lobbying...
Yep, that somes them up perfectly.