Unless you lived during the time of Noah, when the storm killed everyone but the 8 people on the boat. Don't really feel like I'm on the boat right now and one hell of a storm is coming in January.
Having ridden out two hurricanes recently, I know the damage that’s left in their wake. Yes, the sun does shine and the flowers come out again. But there is work to be done to put things right after they blow through without a care for life or limb. But basically, yeah, stay positive! ✌🏼
shut the fuck up. your perception of the situation is false. stop convincing people its going to be okay. it isnt, youve elected a fucking dictator. and now your children will never know freedom.
Look, hank, I did a brain!
The sky won’t fall forever
#cosmere #stormlightarchive
Problem is, new storms seem to line up on their heels.
🌩 ➡️. 🌩