i think liberals and leftists and all kind of progressives want to be smart and perceived as smart so badly that they simply cannot conceive of there being an entire contingent of society that doesn’t give a shit about looking smart so long as they win
Winning the argument wins f all
It's that they're actively, knowingly ANTI-RATIONAL.
They have to be though to follow their leaders commands. If they accepted rationality, they'd have to reject their leaders.
They're hierarchy monkeys.
Missouri GOP legislators are trying to reduce the qualifications to be a coroner. Bc folks were big mad that some coroners listed cause of death as Covid.
We already have some of the loosest reqs to be a coroner in the US.
you're coming off in a similar tone as those you're deiriding
i'm smarter than those who think they're smarter doesn't really hit like that
Do you have any refutation to the *content* of what she said?
i think that what was originally stated has some validity, but sounded facile and generalized. it's better than thou sloganeering
Tone policing helps nobody except the bad guys.
Sometimes *especially* if they have to lie, cheat, and change the rules to win.
Plenty of people are tired of legacy crime parties...
It's *basic...
But while "smart" for you may mean hard logic, education and rationality, for them that's just the "shrewdness" of coming up with whatever mean necessary to their self-referential end.
mondale ostensibly "won" that debate too
They won't hit low & don't realize the fascists maga base loves their candidates because they talk & act on a 5th grade level.
But there are plenty of highly educated well qualified fascists.
I don’t give a shit about looking smart, I care only about the well being of humanity.
And clearly in a way that a lot of people up top don’t seem to care about at all.
And then what happened
Class, class, class! Why did we lose our grip on class-based politics??
They simply don’t care.
If they're willing to allow the complete and total dehumanization of one group, how are we to determine if really care about another group?
I don't accept that they care about contradictions.