Intolerable. The national parks belong to the people. Once you’ve ruined them, mined them, and sold them for profit, they’re never coming back.
Reposted from
Fired Employees Fear Beloved Yosemite National Park Will Lose Its Luster: Yosemite National Park employees who recently were fired by the U.S. government worry cuts will affect the experience of visitors and the welfare of wildlife that thrive in the popular vacation destination located in…
Look for him, by executive order, to convert the most iconic locations into private enclaves, justifying the sale as “divesting prime real estate” to help support park operations.
Adams photography book at the “President’s” empty head.
Our parks, art, books,culture.
Everything that brings joy.
He’s not interested in any of those things.
That’s what happens when you put a (failed) businessman in charge.
It’s all only about money and power.
Still they get to hate immigrants, gays and black people with Trump, and have lots of guns so it’s worth it.
Sacking off the generals and military hierarchy is a step too far.
It won't prevent a coup and Marshall law and you being strung up.
Because every serving officer has been educated in the truth of the Constitution.
You don't get it. Do you. You Dopey Bastard!