Dems don’t control anything. There is no vote to shut down the gov, there is a vote on a horrible cr deal the gop put together without dem input because they think the dems are weak and over a barrel. This is gop driven and the outcome is up to them. Character is hard now is the time.
The GOP has the majority. All of the Democrats need to vote no on everything and put all of the responsibility on the Republicans.
So when Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, get cut and the economy tanks all while billionaires get their tax cuts, the Dems can say they voted against it.
Isn't the govornment already shut down because everyone has been fired? My son tried to visit a govt office the other day and security met him at the door and told him to call and make an appointment. After holding for 2 hours he got an appointment. In May.
“Yet a shutdown could end up being beneficial to Musk's continued plundering of the federal government. The mercurial CEO has been ransacking agencies with the help of his so-called Department of Government Efficiency.
"A shutdown has been his preference," a Republican source told Wired. "
If government is shutdown DOGE should be sued immediately. There is no way they are an essential service compared to other things. They should not be paid.
A vote for this bill senators is a vote to support donOld and president musk.
Or, you could vote to support your constituents and vote "NO" on the bill. Make the republicans own it, 100%
Democrats are fucked either way and it is their fault being to soft on Republicans (TRUMP) when Biden was president and Merrick Garland dropped the ball when he had Trump by his nuts. Dems tried to be politically correct and look where we are now?
They should of got him when they had the chance The performative “resistance” you wrote about is standing up for what’s right. This is not who I thought you were, I thought your hoodie and shorts were more than “performative” So disappointed- I know you don’t care but I had to say it.
The other option is to let Republicans go ahead with this, and they'll have no one to blame when it tanks our economy. If democrats oppose it and the government shuts down, Republicans will be everywhere blaming democrats for the government shutdown and its consequences. Just a thought....
This is a pivotal moment where if the dem's don't stand united, there will be no government to save if they allow Musk to continue using his chainsaw.
They have no excuses left. Any Democratic Representative that votes for this bill. Are traitors to their country and their constituents. They have chosen billionaires over the people.
This is their show the people we are i. This fight with you.
Or they vote with the republican scum. We are watching
The Dems should not vote for this bill! I don't care what the repubs will say, " the Dems shut the gov down". If the oil light is on you stop driving! The OIL LIGHT IS ON! 😡
Will the Senate Dems find their missing spine or will they cave?
My guess is the latter.
Schumer is an appeaser. That he would call for a no vote seems beyond comprehension. A gov't shut-down on their hands is a bridge too far. They just what it to play out and hope for the mid-terms.
they better not we WILLL come for their seats too either stand up to this twat int he white house or resign your seat we'll get someone who will stand up like Jasmine Crockett
every action we take needs to hold them accountable for EACH and EVERY crime, infraction, impropriety, and dirty look they give us while wiping their asses with the LAW and just fucking daring we the people to do something
Please Mara...the dems couldn't even show up to vote for the first woman president. The same dems crying on social media prob didn't even vote. Elections are coming in the spring. Is anyone talking about it? Nope. THE POLITICANS KNOW THEY ARE GETTING REELECTED.
time ta vote em out then get a new cast and crew, and don't get me started on the ones that haven't even spoken up or out yet it's like they're deer in headlights, like what in the blue fuck are you dumb ass's waiting for an fuckin invitation to fight your rights and ours too WTAF!
What I don't understand is if Musk is saving us billions then why can't we afford to run the government? I mean it's a lot cheaper to run now, isn't it?
The Democrats are way to weak at a time they should be slugging it out. They appear weaker every election. We need some strong leadership and need it now.
here is a plan of attack: we need to get all Government employees to live up to their oaths to "Defend" the Constitution. here is the How to do it... and most people can do it in their own area:
Before, preventing a government shutdown ensured the continuation of vital programs like Social Security. Now, avoiding a shutdown makes little difference—it’s as if there were one anyway because they will gut everything.
No Budget Until No DOGE. #NoBudgetUntilNoDOGE. Stop the illegal and anti-constitutional assault on America’s government from within. The GOP already shut down the government, must not help them any further. NO BUDGET UNTIL NO DOGE!
We can either shut down the government as a way to save our democracy, or let Trump and Elmo shut it down on their way to destroying it for good by signing off on their budget.
Dem voters are calling. Dem leaders aren't listening.
They are more worried about their chummy senate friendships and frankly, the voters at the bottom who the Dems fight so hard for that turn around and vote for the hate and racism the GOPQ offers.
Democrats need to stop lecturing the fascists in congress and instead take their message to regular people. Tell people what will be done to stop the fascist takeover... with their support, of course.
In reality, there’s not even much government left to shut down. If it means DOGE are no longer funded, I’m all for it. The truly essential departments are not going to get funded anyway unfortunately. The Democrats are in a unique position of having nothing to lose as we have nothing now.
you have to remember the key factor, that Project 2025 is all about kicking everyone out, instilling pain and obedience, and then employing grateful workers whose authority is hand selected by the trump regime
If Dem vote for this, they'll find 2026 will be a whole lot of replacements in the next Congress/Senate.
Then constitutes can demand that those being replaced also be stripped of benefits & pay for the representation they never provided .
See how health insurance costs will become their problem too
Voted to censure Al Green? OUT
Vote for this bill? OUT!!
Vote in anyway with conservatives? OUT!!!!
Weak ass Hakeem Jeffries & Chuck Schumer OUT!!!!!
We need an opposition party and leadership… this isn’t 2016
Holding a figurative gun to the head of the Democrats is not offering a deal. Moreover, failing to agree to a spending measure under duress does not make a shut down the fault of anyone but the Magats.
The country is worth fighting for. Don't help these people. They broke it. They have the majorities. They own it. Better to shut it down than keep given them resources they don't even spend where they are legally required to.
Shut it down until the republicans, realize that SS, Medicare . Medicate are off limits.. no to cutting n going private with our money to pay for their taxes!! Sorry ppl.. do not cave Dems.. hold on a little longer. Plz.. they are cutting n closing offices any ways.. heartless!. Let them own this!
I am and always have been a liberal Democrat, but I say "No" to shutdown. Too many elderly, poor, handicapped rely on their monthy checks to survive. None of the recently fired gov't. workers can apply for help. I HATE that we have come to this, but if the Dems shut it down - WE will be blamed!
I know this is so complicated but I do think it's worth pointing out that this is already happening and will continue to happen as long as these lunatics are in power. A shutdown is more abrupt for sure, but it forces people to pull their heads out of the sand, get angry, and resist.
I do not agree. It just hurts too many people. If you have a paying job, you can live with your principles and choices, bit I rely on my SS check to pay my rent and buy food. I have been on protest lines this week. Cut off people's food and they hate the people who cut it off, not the principle.
And who wrote the bill? Who is gutting social security? Reach out to your community, local government, neighbors.
What state do you live in? I’m happy to help you find resources. You may not even miss a payment. The GOP is playing chicken.
That is great if they are playing chicken. Negotiation is great. Even if it is shut down, DOGE kids will still go into buildings and steal just like they do on weekends. DOGE has the keys. Shutting down will make every person who needs their checks hate and blame Dems. not make them vote for them.
This is the equivalent of finding out you have stage three cancer and saying, “what’s the difference? I’ll be miserable on chemo I may as well just wait it out.” MAGA is a cancer, they have everything they need to destroy the government BUT consent. If you are willing to let it metastasize that fine
The dems who are resisting likely aren't worried about getting people's votes, they're worried about stopping our rapid descent into fascism. As unfortunate as it is for everyone who relies on these services, that means saying no to conservatives. Agreement is just kicking the can down the road.
I understand. I also rely on some of these programs. I know a lot of innocent people will suffer. But democrats shouldn't capitulate to evil just because they're worried about being blamed. They'll be blamed no matter what, and people will suffer no matter what, so now is the time to RESIST evil.
I don't agree. Shutting down won't stop DOGE boys, they work weekends and nights. They have the keys. What does shutting down get us right now?? NOTHING except making a point. They won't change their bill and will blame Dems while they wait them out.
A government shut down is just a larger piece of this puzzle. Nobody claimed it would stop DOGE, Trump, Musk, et al, not by itself. But letting them have their way will only embolden them, and if that happens things will get much, much worse. This is all litmus test. Do not comply in advance.
Getting 60 votes is an uphill climb. Democrats should extract many concessions for a yes vote.
It’s not a bad hand. It’s a great opportunity for Democrats.
Democrats are never going to do it because they don’t have a spine. I’ve never been more disappointed in a party in all my life. Can’t even get our local party to sponsor protests. It’s always “dial it down” with Democrats.
Anything less than a resounding no from the Senate democrats signals capitulation to the Musk/trump regime and tells American Federal workers the Democrats will not fight for you.
We spoiled them with the "vote blue no matter who" crap. They're slowly starting to realize that we're not gonna vote for them anymore just because. What's the point if they're just going to fall in line with fascists?
Those young women, namely Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Crockett ARE the future of the party. Senior dems need to let it happen or step down. They are ready to lead, especially in this day and age.
Except "vote blue no matter who" never worked because so many of us on the left abdicated our seat that the table and either didn't vote or voted third party.
A lot of Dem electeds are now too gun shy to ever go out on a limb and support left leaning ideals. Oops.
You either suffer in silence and die by inches or bite the bullet and take the hit now! There is now easy way out of this mess and we haven’t even gotten to the 100 days into Trump 2.0!
If Dems were strong enough to stand up to MAGA, MAGA never would have survived their failed violent insurrection on Jan 6th. There would have been trials before the midterms, and the embarrassment expressed by Republicans on Jan 7th wouldn't have been replaced by denial and lies about that day.
I’m beginning to wonder if Dems in the House and Senate secretly kinda like trumps agenda. The only one making a concerted effort for Democracy is Bernie Sanders and he’s an Independent.
And Chris Murphy, plus AOC are loudly protesting things. But otherwise, I’ve wondered the same. Are they really only different to the public but behind closed doors they all want the same things?
and hopefully when not if dems get back in full contro, which is likely since gop always F's up everything ending in recession, then they better cut up musks's contracts and realize him for the weasel he is finally
Yeahhhh, welll, okay, I've heard what the bill will do, but, on the other hand, millionaires will weather a shut down much better than the ordinary middle class...
Not if we work together. Now is the time to take care of each other. If you haven’t been building community start now. You’ll need it regardless of a shutdown or not.
During my lifetime, there has never been a better reason for a shutdown than to protect democracy. The government isn't doing anyone any good right now anyway.
If you're not going to shoot the mother fucker, then at least 🛑 supporting this abomination of a government. Dems will undoubtedly be blamed, so do not vote for the CR. It's a shit deal that abdicates the House's responsibility in running the government.
Grow some balls! Sad
Thanks so much for being a badass! You keep me informed. MSNBC is slowly taking away all the progressives. Only Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow are left so I need you now more than ever! Love your podcast. Just saw the one featuring Skye Perryman. I just signed up for Democracy Forward’s newsletter ✊🏽💪🏽
If I’m not mistaken, it shut down briefly during his first term. We were visiting our kids who were living just outside DC at the time. I also recall a shutdown during Clinton. And one during Obama’s term. I looked up some history via Google in a Wikipedia search.
Agree! Unfortunately, a shutdown is the right course of action. Who'd have thought that would ever make sense??!! 😢 Our democracy is being attacked and needs something bold to help hold back the onslaught, even if for a moment.
I’d rather see a government shut down until some Republicans come to their senses and realize they can’t just gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. I’m willing to suffer a government shutdown to save democracy. I’m not willing to suffer a budget that saves billionaires.
Here's the thing: probably a good half of the federal employees that would normally be adversely affected by a government shutdown are now out of work ANYWAY, thanks to MuskTrump. So they're off the table.
They really don’t have a choice other than to vote no. A yes vote will enable Trump to keep dismantling our government and it will be essentially shut down anyway-permanently.
They should have dealt with Trump and however his base would act when Biden was president. Yes it would of been a fight BUT we wouldn’t have this clown back in the White House robbing America blind
My main concern is if, and it’s a big if, the shutdown lasts longer than 30 days government departments can go through an RIF or reduction in force. This would give Musk and his cronies more opportunities to cut workers.
Somehow we need to get fElon out of government and out of the country.
They are banking on us, not wanting a temporary pain for this vote that will give us long-term pain and possibly lose us our democracy. How shortsighted
I dont believe the Democrats this time are that stupid to go along with the Republicans. Do you remember the old statement give them enough rope n they'll hang themselves! I would love to see a lot of spineless Republicans hanging as the town halls n the Republican Pitchfork Lynch mobs come for them
Congress needs to go back to 1990s funding & do it in 12 separate bills. No more CRs!
Specially since DOGE is going to shut it down anyway.
So when Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, get cut and the economy tanks all while billionaires get their tax cuts, the Dems can say they voted against it.
"A shutdown has been his preference," a Republican source told Wired. "
Or, you could vote to support your constituents and vote "NO" on the bill. Make the republicans own it, 100%
They should of got him when they had the chance
This is a pivotal moment where if the dem's don't stand united, there will be no government to save if they allow Musk to continue using his chainsaw.
Don't you dare.
This is their show the people we are i. This fight with you.
Or they vote with the republican scum. We are watching
My guess is the latter.
Schumer is an appeaser. That he would call for a no vote seems beyond comprehension. A gov't shut-down on their hands is a bridge too far. They just what it to play out and hope for the mid-terms.
You all are damn insane and seditionists too apparently.
They staged a COUP FFS!
Red Alert, ya’ll!
I'm heart sick
A government shut down is so 2013.
This is not the same. We should not call it or treat it the same
This Bill-HAD NO #Democrat INPUT!
IT IS NOT a CR, that keeps the government open, to give Full Congress time to negotiate legislation that can pass!
It's An Executive Branch Power Play, that Does Not Respect that the Power Of The Purse-is with the Congress!
They are more worried about their chummy senate friendships and frankly, the voters at the bottom who the Dems fight so hard for that turn around and vote for the hate and racism the GOPQ offers.
I'm just about done supporting Dem weak.
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
It's time to stop being held hostage by fear.
Then constitutes can demand that those being replaced also be stripped of benefits & pay for the representation they never provided .
See how health insurance costs will become their problem too
Not to put too fine a point on it 🙄
Voted to censure Al Green? OUT
Vote for this bill? OUT!!
Vote in anyway with conservatives? OUT!!!!
Weak ass Hakeem Jeffries & Chuck Schumer OUT!!!!!
We need an opposition party and leadership… this isn’t 2016
What state do you live in? I’m happy to help you find resources. You may not even miss a payment. The GOP is playing chicken.
It’s not a bad hand. It’s a great opportunity for Democrats.
"This sucks"
"Welp, elections have consequences. 🤷 Deal with it"
I don't think they understand the gravity of the situation.
A lot of Dem electeds are now too gun shy to ever go out on a limb and support left leaning ideals. Oops.
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
a shutdown will seem like a picnic.
Obviously Starship isn't an option. He'll only make it to the Gulf of SpaceX Debris.
If you're not going to shoot the mother fucker, then at least 🛑 supporting this abomination of a government. Dems will undoubtedly be blamed, so do not vote for the CR. It's a shit deal that abdicates the House's responsibility in running the government.
Grow some balls! Sad
See above.
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
Somehow we need to get fElon out of government and out of the country.
I think for most Americans, Dems are the party defending the system, one that doesn't work for a lot of people.
I don't think the "save democracy" messaging resonates with most voters.
Who's knockin' at the door? The enemy within!