She heard smacking. Hard smacking. Whatever he was eating must have been delightful.
Dawn stole a peek but twitched and turned her eyes away. Yuck! Who eats bananas and ketchup?
Wage. Chapter 20.
#WritingCommunity #BookSky #ReadingCommunity #IndieAuthor #Wattpad #Novel #BskyAuthor #BskyReaders
Dawn stole a peek but twitched and turned her eyes away. Yuck! Who eats bananas and ketchup?
Wage. Chapter 20.
#WritingCommunity #BookSky #ReadingCommunity #IndieAuthor #Wattpad #Novel #BskyAuthor #BskyReaders
#WritingCommunity #IndieAuthor #BookSky #BskyAuthor
Just kidding... 🤣
Oh and thanks for the follow. 🥰