This is absolutely the case. Also, he will take credit for many of the actually impressive economic realities that Biden made happen. All of that infrastructure investment, many of which is just now starting to flow, which the GOP sought to block? Trump will take credit.
Don't let him.
Don't let him.
Not even gonna talk about WaPo.
It's so depressing.
Major communication failure by the Biden admin.
Sagal and NPR can get bent. No Trump Bump for awful media this time
CHIPS and infrastructure could fall in either camp.
The next few years they will need to kiss Trump's ass if they don't want to end up on his enemies list, and we have yet to see how he plans on implementing his retribution.
We need people to stop whining and start helping.
If we can’t stop him, we must document it relentlessly. Drive the focussed message home for two years into the midterms and for two years more to 2028.
Trump Inflation
Trump Medical Crisis
Trump Labor Crisis
Trump Trade Crisis
Trump Deficit Crisis
Most of these will become real
They'll all march to his beat very soon.
Journalists? I haven't seen one major media institution cover politics accurately since Trump came down the escalator, including NPR
We certainly need more yous, but definitely not people that call themselves journalists