Still grinding my teeth over all the people who *still* insist to me that MAGA and Elon support free speech, and the Biden admin were trying to suppress speech.
Reposted from
Molly Jong-Fast
Republicans seem to have completely forgotten about the first amendment
Then laugh some more..
I always told them, "You're either pretending to be this stupid or you actually are, and the result is the same:
You're not worth talking to."
Trump cultists say that. No one else says that.
And governance for freedom found in Estate from U S law, not conveyance of contraband from English Custom and United Nations; is abomination for cpitlsm*& the lord above!
It's all a scam... They have no moral foundation I've been able to discern...
There’s an invisible asterisk everybody knows about.
republicans: "Jail anyone who disagrees with us"
*republicans win*
Centrist Dems: We lose because we're too divisive.
They don’t support rights in general. And should be treated as the hypocrites they are. Fuck ‘em.