That is a FACT! I live in Texas there are 198 cases of Measles and one death. And it is a fact that out of 500,000 college athletes there fewer than 10 that are Trans.
In December, NCAA President Charlie Baker testified that out of more than 500,000 total college student athletes, he believed fewer than 10 were transgender But last month, President Trump signed an executive order to ban transgender athletes from participating in girls' and women's sports.
There are less than 10 NCAA athletes that identify as trans . But this is an imbecile who thinks transgenic mice means they are gender fluid . Putin has said he doesn’t approve of transformers .
Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the health, safety and well-being of our country and the people. Especially to us working class and poor people. Trump does not give a damn about us. Trump only cares about himself and his greedy despicable wealthy friends. Disgraceful! Sickening...🤮
The republicans obsession on trans people started long time ago. Who remembers the stupidity about Laa Laa Teletubbies… so ridiculous! Actually, I started watching them. 😂