This is no Onion Post. Yoon declared martial law to "purge anti-state groups and normalize the country". #SouthKorea #Autocratization
Authoritarian, sexist, and forcing people to respect the Leader (and denying He is wrong)
Not surprised. Korea has way too many social issues....
Pergunte também as meninas de ahi, taiwanesas ou japonesas, sobre que se fala do homem coreano em geral...
A cultura do lugar tem problemas sérios...
Please go live there first and work there.
Or ask the locals that are nice, plenty of them will explain this to you....
I'm telling you what they told me.
- Yoon (and his wife), since inauguration (perhaps even before that), has faced a series of corruption-related allegations
- These allegations have proven increasingly convincing over time, though the prosecutors have been very reluctant to take it seriously.
- A political broker, Myung, has emerged recently as a behind-the-curtain figure who took care of a wide array of business for Yoon and the first lady.
- This 'business' includes tempering election poll numbers for not only Yoon but also for his allies.
- The legislature, National Assembly, can demand (with majority) the president to lift the martial law. (Constitution 77).
- The president 'has to' accept it.
There has already been popular protests in Seoul and elsewhere against Yoon, demanding impeachment. They started two weeks ago (if I remember correctly). This is going to grow, invariably and inevitably. Yoon just gave out yet another indisputable reason to be impeached.
Good luck with that, President Yoon. I've a feeling this will not end well for him.