Villnievues Dune is too austere for me and doesn't fully embody the esoteric weirdness that makes Dune so fascinating. It's beautiful, it's good kn it's own right, but it's not weird and that's why I prefer Lynch's version. The uncanniness of everything is important to the setting.
It's a mess with moments of brilliance and some inspired artistic decisions and techniques, even if they don't all pan out. It's a very interesting movie, even if it isn't a "good" movie.
I think they said they couldnt figure out how to make guys doing kung fu in the desert look good so they opted for the sound guns. I don't think any of the adaptations have really been able to depict what the holtzman shield and the way it limits warfare are really all about. Lynch's fight between
Gurney and Paul on the training room is the closest I've seen to really selling how the shield is vital to the setting - combat must be slow, measured, and personal. It gives you time to think while you're killing and being killed and makes violence very intimate.
The idea wasn't bad - some kind of visual tech that explains the psychic martial arts of dune in a simple way to an audience very quickly - but the implementation was "the gun you shout into", and it was extremely bad.
lynch's dune is one of the worst adaptations and standalone films ever created. lynch agrees with this take lmfao.
I'm not condemning anyone for enjoying the old movies
but they suck ass <3
It's not that your point doesn't stand. It's just that your point is an entirely different one from what is being made.
Some incredible artistry, but it just doesn’t work as a film.
The second half, though, when he had to sum up the other 5.5