Some stats about the 2025 EPIC AQ Fund cohort in aggregate and where they are working:
🌬️📊 Monitors:
▪️ # of government AQ monitors currently sharing fully open public data in the 16 Awardee countries: 15*
▪️ # of AQ monitors that this round of Awardees intend to launch in those 16 countries: 700+
🌬️📊 Monitors:
▪️ # of government AQ monitors currently sharing fully open public data in the 16 Awardee countries: 15*
▪️ # of AQ monitors that this round of Awardees intend to launch in those 16 countries: 700+
▪️ # of countries awardees are working in that currently have a national PM2.5 annual average standard: 3 (out of 16)**
▪️ # of countries in which awardees have a long-term goal to influence the creation of a national PM2.5 annual standard: 13
▪️ # of governments currently sharing air quality data publicly of the 16 countries: 6*
▪️ # of government-related entities the Fund is supporting this round: 15
➡️ Abid Omar - Pakistan Air Quality Initiative (پاکی) Air Quality Initiative
➡️ Abimbola Akinajo - Lamataonline
➡️ Adetoun Mustapha - Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR)
➡️ Collins Gameli HODOLI - Clean Air One Atmosphere
➡️ Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences- MUBAS
➡️ Myriam Mrad - University of Balamand
➡️ Newton Matandirotya (PhD)
➡️ Ossey Yapo - Centre Ivoirien Antipollution
➡️ Ricardo Andres Pineda Guzman - Sustenta Honduras
➡️ Sheck Abdul Sherif