➡️ Herminio Cossa - CISM- Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça
➡️ Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences- MUBAS
➡️ Myriam Mrad - University of Balamand
➡️ Newton Matandirotya (PhD)
➡️ Ossey Yapo - Centre Ivoirien Antipollution
➡️ Ricardo Andres Pineda Guzman - Sustenta Honduras
➡️ Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences- MUBAS
➡️ Myriam Mrad - University of Balamand
➡️ Newton Matandirotya (PhD)
➡️ Ossey Yapo - Centre Ivoirien Antipollution
➡️ Ricardo Andres Pineda Guzman - Sustenta Honduras
➡️ Sheck Abdul Sherif
*From the OpenAQ platform (https://openaq.org) or from OpenAQ’s Open Air Quality Data: The Global Landscape
**From the latest AQLI Update: https://aqli.epic.uchicago.edu/reports/