👀 🚀 Looks like a new site has gone up calling out all the Democratic collaborators who voted to give the Musk/Trump regime blank checks w info on Schumer’s book tour and more online action items. https://demcollaborators.com/
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Shaheen (NH) and Peters (MI) are up in 2026, but they have both announced that they are not running for reelection.
Tina Smith (MN) has announced she is not running in 2026, and she voted against the CR.
9 months ago, we had a sitting President in his 80s who was running for another term.
Feinstein and RBG both stayed too long, with catastrophic consequences. Octogenarians drunk on power really hate to let it go.
I will believe they’re retiring when they announce.
And Schatz too!
The small group voted yes.
The larger group knew that Schumer's plan made their votes were safely ineffectual--but they pretended they were doing something meaningful. he plan was designed to help them do this.
None of them--except Bernie--will publicly criticize Schumer.
If people are too stupid to not to know history, that’s not my problem. Everything gets used against the Jews - I am not walking on eggshells.