"Would-be cis person who only transitioned because they were just so, so gender nonconforming and felt pressured to change their bodies to fit in" is such a microscopic demographic compared to "deep-closet trans person who won't transition out of fear that they can't live up to the gender role"
Starts with "Hello my name is C_____ I'm from Miami Fl"
We can have empathy for these people while also realize that they are a fraction of a percentage.
The problem is society tends to focus on people like this. They see cisgender as being default, so they identify with other cis people.
Every cis body transed, no matter the outcome, is a tragedy.
Every trans body cissed, which is the violently enforced default, is just maintaining the natural order to these people.
It's no coincidence that Trump in the current mega Republican party frequently uses the term "mutilated" describe gender-affirming surgery for trans people.
I want to make it seem as unpalatable as they can, to deter anyone from having those types of surgeries.
If memory stands, this letter was actually written to Jennifer back in 2006. Which means it's not part of the current wave of detransitioners who are bots or fictional.
I came out back in 2001 and that was the common term for it at the time. When I posted the link, I didn't even think about how it could be construed as offensive.
So if the link title offends anybody, I apologize.
I’m extremely gender chaotic and the thought of making surgical changes to my body “to fit in” is so antithetical to what my experience is about?
I’m doing it to fit myself
Very few ppl will be like “oh, yes, I am realizing my gender now let me walk backward into conformity”
But then I realized; an ugly girl is still a girl
And so I gave it a shot