He's just purging any opposition from the government, even in independent agencies like USPS and USIP. He admitted as much with his explanation to shut down DOE which was basically "there's too many libs working there."
After 60 days, I think the Project 2025 folks are currently on step 1.
Expect them to direct Trump not to “save” money from firing employees, cancelled departments and funded programs, but to re-allocate it into draconian measures to restrict civil rights and fair elections.
Also depends on how you define the size of government. He fired a bunch of people, but they’ve mostly proven temporary; and he’s withheld payment on some contracts but so far spent more year over year. And he’s used government more, so its influence is bigger.
How could he possibly be a fascist when he is shutting down USAID contrary to law? How could he be fascist when he is depriving people of food? I am very smart.
He’s not reducing “government”. He’s purging critics and will replace essential services (intel, infrastructure, DoD) with loyalists. Everything else will be replicated by supplicant businesses in the “private” sector. The crux is eliminating SS without revolt. He is probing for a weak point.
This isn’t necessarily accurate. Trump wants to consolidate power, and Elon has told Trump they first need to kill the Deep State.
What Elon is *actually* doing is firing all government employees so they can hand the Government work to companies he selects (eg. his own). Elon wants an oligarchy.
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It’s also just surface level (barely) correct. Other parts of the government are being far more invasive! Hello, extrajudicial deportations! Just incurious partisans.
The Babylon Bee is not funny. Ever. It's a right-wing simulacrum of funny.
The "joke" here is that all other fascists were dumb, left-wingers who bloated government, not that Trump is a fascist. It's arguing that of course he *isn't* a fascist, because he's not doing the notable thing fascists do.
1. eviscerate an agency
2. rebuild and restaff the agency with friends/family/sycophants
Fascism 101
Expect them to direct Trump not to “save” money from firing employees, cancelled departments and funded programs, but to re-allocate it into draconian measures to restrict civil rights and fair elections.
Like, Gutfeld levels of obnoxiously unfunny.
evidence from his first term and the 2025 budget show he’s just another big government authoritarian
The assumption that fascists want to run efficient and effective governments is generally faulty.
Totalitarianism is generally too much work for authoritarians.
As long as they maintain power, they don't care.
They aren't 'reducing the size of the government'. They are purging the people that stand in the way, and destroying depts that don't bend the knee.
The point now is control. Control over all the levers of real power: $, info, legal, police, military.
What Elon is *actually* doing is firing all government employees so they can hand the Government work to companies he selects (eg. his own). Elon wants an oligarchy.
Beefing up patronage is next. They have been training tens of thousands how to apply when they take power for several years now.
The "joke" here is that all other fascists were dumb, left-wingers who bloated government, not that Trump is a fascist. It's arguing that of course he *isn't* a fascist, because he's not doing the notable thing fascists do.